

Masood Zakaria and Daniel Toutounji set to become global targets with Interpol red notices

Daniel Toutounji and Masood Zakaria are set to become global targets for crimes they allegedly carried out in NSW before taking off overseas.

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An ambitious Comanchero bikie and an Alameddine clan heavyweight are on the verge of becoming wanted men all around the world for crimes they allegedly committed in NSW, before taking off overseas.

Daniel Toutounji has recently risen through the ranks of the Comanchero OMCG with the support of kingpin associates in Mark Buddle and Allan Meehan, after being a name not widely known to the underworld for many years.

Toutounji has been overseas since 2018 and is believed to be living between Turkey and eastern Europe.

But The Daily Telegraph understands Interpol red notices — which require police around the world to locate and provisionally arrest a person and extradite them back to their country of origin — are being applied for, not only for Toutounji but also senior Alameddine clan member Masood Zakaria.

NSW Police Criminal Groups Squad Commander Grant Taylor said there were several outstanding warrants for both Toutounji and Zakaria.

Comanchero bikie Daniel Toutounji is a wanted man in NSW …
Comanchero bikie Daniel Toutounji is a wanted man in NSW …
... as is Alameddine clan heavyweight Masood Zakaria.
... as is Alameddine clan heavyweight Masood Zakaria.

“He (Toutounji) is very much a focus of activity back here in Australia, related to organised crime and him engaging with organised crime networks,” Mr Taylor told The Daily Telegraph.

“He is very active in the crime milieu (and) we believe he may have taken on a more senior role within the Comanchero in the absence of others who have been arrested.

“Masood Zakaria is wanted on three arrest warrants, which encapsulate 11 alleged offences.

“We’re working closely with federal agencies and engaging international law enforcement agencies to seek their assistance.”

Toutounji was once a member of the Rebels bikie gang, before patching over to the Comanchero in about 2014.

In August 2015 he was handed a 12-month suspended sentence for supplying a prohibited drug.

The current arrest warrants out for Toutounji date back to 2018, when police allegedly found cocaine and guns belonging to him at an address in Randwick, and three firearms in his car.

Those investigations are now being run by the Criminal Groups Squad, which believe he has risen up the bikie gang ranks after the arrests of Comanchero international commander Mark Buddle, ex-national president Mick Murray and sergeant-at-arms Tarek Zahed.

Police sources said senior Alameddine clan member Masood Zakaria, like Toutounji, was still able to have a significant involvement in his group’s Sydney operations from abroad.

“He’s still engaging with the Alameddines and organised crime networks from overseas, and co-ordinate activities in southwest Sydney, almost in real time,” the source said.

Zakaria is chiefly wanted by NSW Police for allegedly orchestrating the ultimately failed plot to kill the rival underworld figure Ibrahem Hamze at North Sydney in mid-2021.

His last known location was at the same gym in Turkey where his close mate Murat Gulasi suffered a heart attack and died in September.

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