

Horrific alleged underworld murder plot foiled by police days before Christmas

The horrifying inner workings of an alleged Sydney underworld hit can be revealed after police allegedly foiled a murder plot just days before Christmas. READ THE MESSAGES

Strike Force Raptor shifts its focus to target new organised crime world

The horrifying inner workings of a gangland hit can be revealed after police allegedly foiled an underworld murder plot that would have led to a Sydney businessman being shot dead just days before Christmas.

Ali Sweid, 38, allegedly tracked the movements of a man – who The Daily Telegraph has chosen not to name – across the city for weeks ­before putting getaway cars in place near the addresses he frequented, all as part of his plan to eventually make him the latest victim of the city’s ongoing underworld war.

“I’m gonna empty the whole clip 16 in him … stomach first, he drops to the floor from the pain straight away like a body shock. Then I’ll empty it in his face,” Sweid, allegedly an ­associate of the Haouchar or­ganised crime network, is said to have gloated to an associate over encrypted messaging app Threema.

But his alleged murder plot was foiled by NSW Police Raptor Squad officers after they seized Sweid’s phone ­during a raid on his home on December 12 and then went through it, allegedly ­uncovering the messages detailing his plans for violence.

Sweid was charged with conspiracy to murder and unsuccessfully applied for bail in Parramatta Local Court last week, where he was ­represented by Mahmoud Abbas and Evan James.

Raptor Squad boss Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis told The Daily Telegeraph that proactive work of detectives enabled them to allegedly stop the murder before it happened.
Raptor Squad boss Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis told The Daily Telegeraph that proactive work of detectives enabled them to allegedly stop the murder before it happened.

Court documents detail how police allege Sweid’s preparation for the murder ­included a meeting with an unknown man outside a 7-Eleven store in Narwee, in Sydney’s southwest, in late November. Around that same time he allegedly began to organise having getaway cars put in specific locations that could be used after the hit.

Sweid and his unknown associates tracked down the target to a series of living, work and associates’ addresses across Wetherill Park, Bossley Park, Brighton-Le-Sands and The Rocks.

Sweid was charged with conspiracy to murder and unsuccessfully applied for bail in Parramatta Local Court, where he was represented by Mahmoud Abbas (pictured) and Evan James.
Sweid was charged with conspiracy to murder and unsuccessfully applied for bail in Parramatta Local Court, where he was represented by Mahmoud Abbas (pictured) and Evan James.

On December 4, Sweid – ­allegedly operating under the username “Kratos” – messaged an unknown associate called “Napoleon” about a “hotty” (a name in the underworld for a stolen car, often featuring fake plates, which is used as a getaway vehicle).

“We park the other hotty in front of 7 Mansfield Street, Wetherill Park”, he allegedly texted.

“There’s a park in front of it … (and) parking spots … we burn (the first car) on Emerson Street, Wetherill Park and run to the Holden on Mansfield Street around the corner, they intersect.”

Napoleon then replied to Swied, saying: “Okay done … I’ll get it parked on 7 Mansfield St, Wetherill Park.”

Police allege in the court documents the Holden spoken about was the same one stolen from Macquarie Fields a month earlier, which they later found parked on Mansfield St – just as had been ­outlined in the messages. Sweid allegedly continued to discuss his plans for carrying out the murder with other mystery associates over the Threema app.

In another chat, police allege Sweid and two users named “JC” and “Liveislife” discussed where to shoot the man.

“Your options are 1. When he leaves work from Wetherill (Park). 2. When he arrives to cigar night. 3. When he leaves cigar night. 4. When he arrives back home to Bossley (Park). 5. When he leaves Bossley (Park) Tues(day) morning to go to work,” Liveislife said.

“U know this job is so easy my bro like the shooting part is a breeze it’s the routes and where to burn n switch that’s hard,” Sweid allegedly replied.

On November 28, police allege Sweid pulled up outside an address linked to his target – the hit was on.

But by the time the sun had come up the next morning there had been no sign of him, something that annoyed Sweid who allegedly became increasingly agitated on Threema.

Raptor Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis. Picture: Tim Hunter.
Raptor Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis. Picture: Tim Hunter.
Mansfield Street, Wetherill Park. Picture: Google Maps
Mansfield Street, Wetherill Park. Picture: Google Maps

“Boys it’s on that’s it he’s finished tomorrow. Even if I gotta run in on the house,” he wrote.

“Was only gonna do chest n head. Now he’s copping it all. Broooooo I’m.dirrtttyyyyy I’m gonna empty the whole clip 16 in him. Stomach first he drops to the floor from the pain straight away like a body shock. Then I’ll empty it in his face”.

Raptor Squad boss Detective Superintendent Andrew Koutsoufis told The Daily Telegraph the proactive work of detectives enabled them to allegedly stop murders before they happened.

“Usually, people only read about these stories once ­someone has been shot at or killed, but investigations such as this one show how Raptor’s daily, proactive taskings are having a real impact on potentially violent criminals – and stopping violent crime before it happens,” Det Supt Koutsoufis said.

“It’s difficult to quantify exactly how many serious incidents the NSW Police Force have foiled, but through pre-emptive means such as Firearm Prohibition Orders, Serious Crime Prevention Orders and search warrants, it’s clear the unrelenting pressure we’re applying is up-ending some of their plans.”

Sweid is next due to appear in Burwood Local Court on February 21.

Read related topics:Crime NSW

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