Public poos prompt public plea from Woopi aged care CEO
‘It’s just sad people think defecating outside an aged care centre is appropriate’
‘It’s just sad people think defecating outside an aged care centre is appropriate’
THEO Vis died in a Bundaberg aged care facility with a pressure sore on his back so severe it had eaten through to his coccyx, according to his partner.
Company provides timeline for plans to open $21 million 144-bed aged care facility in Clarence Valley
VIDEO: Earthworks are finally underway on a 144-bed Clarence Valley aged care facility 17 years in the making.
A WOMAN has lodged a Supreme Court claim against her former employer and a former colleague after an alleged workplace injury prohibited her from working.
Margaret Lee couldn’t stay in her home without help from one community organisation
AGED care spokeswoman said union’s actions caused “undue stress”.
THE expansion of the aged care facility will also create 24 new places for elderly residents.
Charity event organiser’s overwhelmed by community support after raising thousands at mass-shave.
SIX weeks of pure hell. That’s the only way Terry Gladman could describe the final weeks with his wife Helen as she lost her cancer battle. Now he wants action.
‘I hang on the phone for sometimes an hour waiting for someone to answer’: Gympie woman’s evidence highlights the delays contacting government care provider
A plan by Labor would see a number of TAFE courses offered to students for no charge
Aged care providers say politicians are ignoring a plan that will help provide a solution to a crucial short fall in affordable housing in the Clarence Valley.
Plans to create a car park with access through their street raise the anger of nearby residents
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