
KFC SuperCoach NRL 101: The tactics of when, and when not, to trade

A key to SuperCoach success is knowing when, and when not to trade a player in. Rob Sutherland talks the tactics of trades and discovers one very surprising statistic.

Play of the Week: Brandon Smith | KFC SuperCoach NRL

Welcome to Part II of our KFC SuperCoach Strategy 101 guide, in which we will be covering when, and when not to trade.

The answer to the question is different for Cheapies and Guns and I have split the two groups in my analysis. Let’s begin at the beginning with the Cheapies.

When to hold 'em and when to fold 'em in SuperCoach NRL.
When to hold 'em and when to fold 'em in SuperCoach NRL.
KFC SuperCoach NRL for 2021.


As discussed in Part I of this guide you have should select a number of Cheapies to start the season with the goal that they increase in value. (I talk opening round selection strategy in Part III of the guide and will go into greater length about what cheapies to pick there).

If you are lucky enough to pick the right cheapies – and I strongly suggest regularly checking our cheapie bible where we identify and rate the leading cut-price contenders here – half the battle is won.

Now one needs to work out what is the best time to sell those cheapies who have gone up in price. In an effort to help here I have analysed the performance of several key cheapies in 2019 to what lessons we could learn – and much to my relief I think I have learnt a thing or two by doing so. let me share it with you and see if I’m on to something

The six round rule

Bench forward cheapies have always been thought of as slow burn money makers. The presiding wisdom being that you must pick and stick with them over a length of time in order to maximise your profit.

However, the below figures indicate that on the whole bench forwards that make cash will make the vast bulk of their gains within six games – and that is despite prices not changing for their opening two games.

Below I have listed a number of 2019 cheapie forwards to illustrate this point:

Player Opening Price Gain after 6 games Max gain (Rd) 6RD gain as % of Max
Jack Williams $284,500 $103,400 $123,700 (7) 83.6%
Blake Lawrie $216,600 $154,300 $202,300 (10) 76,3%
Corey Waddell $168,100 $188,000 $299,200 (9) 62.8%
Junior Tatola $224,200 $121,600 $203,200 (20) 60%

While you left some money on the table by selling Williams and Lawrie after six games you still realised the vast bulk of their gains. Waddell scored 104 points in his 6th game and made over $70K the next week. If you had sold him after seven rounds you would have realised fully 89% of his total gain. Tatola was the slowest burning cheapie, and while you only realised 60% of his gains by selling after his sixth game you would have had to wait until round 20 to realise the full amount which was just $80K more (not tremendous time/value for money).

It would be remiss not to note the exception to this rule – Payne Haas – but nobody is going to sell a guy who is averaging 73PPG after six games so I think we can safely call him an anomaly.

How about the backs?

Cheapie backs, so I used to think, could make money fast and be then sold to facilitate the purchase of a new round of cheapie backs.

However, take a look at the numbers from five of the best performing cheapie CTW in 2019.

Player Opening Price Gain after 6 games Max gain (Rd) 6RD gain as % of Max
Mikaele Ravalawa $168,100 $182,100 $265,700 (15) 68.5%
Jayden Okunbor $168,100 $194,800 $290,700 (25) 67%
Maika Sivo $168,100 $196,500 $385,900 (9) 50.9%
Bronson Xerri $168,100 $147,100 $381,100 (14) 38.6%
Reuben Garrick $168,100 $123,100 $381,700 (22) 31.7%

Okunbor (injury) and Ravalawa (bench/dropped) had interrupted seasons and therefore their six game price reached a much greater percentage of their peak price than the other three on this list. Sivo, Xerri and Garrick were superb in their debut seasons and all delivered solid value into the back half of the season.

To my unending shame last season, I traded Sivo out only to bring him back and sold Ravalawa, Xerri and Garrick early. Therein lies just part of the reason I had my worst season since I started playing SuperCoach.

So what have we learned?

The accepted wisdom in SuperCoach circles, at least the ones I have moved within, is that cheapie forwards are slow burn money makers and quick profit is to be made in the backline. The stats above do not support the Zeitgeist. Rather, the figures above suggest that if you are lucky enough to have picked a cheapie back that has secured a starting role then hang on to him until at least the middle rounds of the season. Cheapie forwards are the players you can move on after 6-7 rounds without leaving too much money on the table – provided they look set to remain bench forwards – nobody is suggesting you trade away a player whose role is set to change for the better.

KFC SuperCoach NRL for 2021.


Don’t panic sell your guns is a piece of advice I give regularly in SuperCoach trade forums and for good reason.

When selecting your team you agonised over which premium players to select, you measured up the formlines and you likely spent your money wisely. Don’t let a 2-3 game dip in form see you rage trade because the rage will only intensify when that player you sold bounces back to form and scores well.

And do not let the fact that your gun has dropped in price after their quiet period unduly affect your decision whether to sell or not. It is all too tempting to sell a player when you see them facing a high BE, but you only lose money on those players you sell (see Tedesco’s price rollercoaster below as an example of how quickly prices can move).

With all that said – you do sometimes need to sell a gun. Injuries strike, formlines can fall off a cliff or players fall out with a coach (yes Bulldogs fans I’m talking about what happened between your coach Dean Pay and Rhyse Martin!)

My general advice is that if your gun:

* is not injured/facing a long suspension, and

* is still playing the same role and minutes in which they have delivered earlier in the season/years gone past, then

do not panic and pull the trade trigger, trust that they will find their form.

With that said let’s look at two guns in 2019, both of whom had troughs and peaks in their scoring, but only one met the criteria for sale while the other rewarded those that held.

The gun you would keep

Recycling is all the rage, so let’s recycle the table I used in Part I of this study guide to illustrate how prices change, this time to illustrate who you should think very hard before selling a gun.

Below we run through the early-season rollercoaster that was Roosters star James Tedesco from rounds 4-11 inclusive.*

Round Price at start of Round BE Score Price at end of Round
4 $671,200 35 84 $700,800
5 $700,800 12 76 $741,000
6 $741,000 89 52 $710,100
7 $710,100 109 57 $666,500
8 $666,500 118 68 $625,700
9 $625,700 92 118 $642,200
10 $642,200 46 79 $671,000
11 $671,000 29 90 $711,200

* NB prices do not begin to change until the completion of round 3.

Tedesco began 2019 as the third most expensive player in the game at $689,000. After two low scores to start the season (23 in round 1 and 52 in round 2) he began round 3 at $671,200. Big scores followed and Tedesco’s price went to $741,000. Then came a few low scores (by Teddy’s high standards) and Tedesco reached a season low price of $625,700 heading in to round 9. For the record, Tedesco did not look back from this point of the season and went on to score four more centuries and five scores of 80+ to finish the season at $843,300.

The gun you might sell

Cronulla’s veteran prop Andrew Fifita had been the rolled gold standard at his position heading into the 2019 season and he began the season as the most expensive FRF and eight most expensive player overall.

Those that stumped up the big cash were feeling pretty chuffed after seven rounds with Fifita averaging 72.3PPG and 63MPG.

Then things began to go wrong, and I cannot help but think the elevated minutes Fifita was playing started to take a toll on his dodgy knees.

Let’s take a look at Fifita’s scores from Round 8-14 (inclusive).

Round Opening Price BE Score (Mins) Closing Price
8 $648,800 44 45 (51) $645,600
9 $645,600 108 19 (7) $577,900
10 $577,900 145 100 (53) $549,300
11 $549,300 66 56 (52) $538,100
12 BYE
13 $538,100 28 91 (46) $580,800
14 $580,800 54 58 (49) $579,700

To summarise those figures from rounds 8-14, Fifita averaged 61.5PPG in 43MPG. The score output is still very solid, the worrying sign for owners is those minutes. Even if we remove the injury affected game in round nine, Fifita still averaged just 50MPG from rounds 8-14 a 12% drop on his MPG from 2018 and 20% drop on the minutes he played from rounds 1-7.

And there was another problem – Fifita was slapped with a suspension for a crusher tackle in the round 14 game against the Raisers.

A player many had bought with the hope he would provide big points in the round 16 bye was now not going to play that week.

As hard as it is to sell a player who in the past four rounds had a 91 and a 100 point game, Fifita was now a gun that I would have strongly considered selling, not because the scores were poor but Fifita ticked both my checklist issues above with injuries and suspensions set to bite and a downward trend in minutes played.

I did in fact sell Fifita and that proved a savvy move (a rare one for me in 2019 in SC) as Fifita played just seven games from rounds 15-25 (inclusive) averaging 45.3PPG and 40.2MPG and losing $141,700 over that span.

KFC SuperCoach NRL for 2021.


Cheapie forwards ARE a slow money making burn, but unless their role changes and they jump from being interchange players to gaining a starting role they make the vast majority of their cash quickly and so you should not be scared of selling them after 6-7 games if another cheapie looks set to earn a start. And, be wary of pulling the trade trigger on your guns, but that doesn’t mean you should never pull the trigger.

Having covered the overarching selection strategy of ‘Guns and Cheapies’ in Part I I will put that theoretical rubber to the road in Part III and talk selection strategies for the opening round next.


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