There’s only one question left: What was Gladys thinking?
Why the Premier rammed through a radical abortion bill introduced by a left-wing independent, with so little consultation and against the wishes of the majority of her party, makes no sense. But she’ll pay the price, writes Miranda Devine.
Why on earth would Gladys Berejiklian admit she was under pressure from Alex Greenwich, of all people, to introduce that terrible law to make abortion legal until the moment of birth?
He’s a lone far-left independent whose views are anathema to the majority of Liberal voters. The Premier doesn’t need him for numbers in the lower house.
The sight of her Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, alongside Greenwich in an exuberant victory photograph, after the abortion bill made it through the lower house, stuck in the craw of a lot of people.
MORE FROM MIRANDA DEVINE: ‘Celebrating’ abortion shows lack of humanity
And what about the Premier’s admission that she deliberately waited till after the March election to spring this radical law on us.
“I kept kicking it down the road because I didn’t want to deal with it before the election, I’ll be honest with you,” she told The Australian this week.
The Premier, who hails from the minority “moderate”, aka left, faction of the NSW Liberal party, deputised Greenwich to lead her government on legislation she wanted but that almost two-thirds of her party voted against.
MORE FROM MIRANDA DEVINE: There’s nothing pro-women about NSW’s abortion bill
She is out of step with her party and with Coalition voters but is too weak to own it.
No wonder her leadership is under pressure.
When it comes to Jeffrey Epstein’s convenient suicide in a New York jail, I tend to subscribe to the theory of life rather than believe in cockamamie conspiracies.
But everyone in New York has a theory about how the paedophile financier met his maker.
Reader Jay from Brooklyn looks to classic movies for illumination.
In Godfather II, Michael Corleone discusses the possibility of murdering Hyman Roth when he is guarded by FBI agents: “If history teaches us anything, it’s that you can kill anyone.”
While a preliminary autopsy has proved inconclusive, the New York Post reports that Epstein used a bed sheet to hang himself from the top bunk in his cell.
Whatever the investigation turns up, no one laments his death, with New Yorkers showing up to his upper east side mansion this week to take selfies and spit on the doorstep.