
Angela Mollard: 10 things I now know about men

Last week I asked the men of Australia 10 questions that had been burning away in my brain for some time. And in the days since, my mind has been opened and my questions answered, writes Angela Mollard.

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Last week in this column I asked 10 questions of men. Some were serious, others lightweight.

In short, among the things I wanted to know was whether they were fed up with being providers, whether they liked weddings, what they thought of their own bodies, why they tended to grow grumpier with age, if they believed in “choreplay” (doing jobs round the house in the hope of having sex) and if they felt lonely. I also asked, rather flippantly, which of three pleasures they’d most willingly give up.

I was touched by the feedback.

Not a single snarky email, just a lot of generous responses from men who I suspect don’t get asked that often what they think. Or feel. There were common patterns so, drawing on some of their reflections, here’s what I’ve deduced.

MORE FROM ANGELA MOLLARD: Ten things I’d like to know about men

Most of them like the structure of set roles. Being the provider gives them self-worth, but they acknowledge that work can become their identity. “It’s complicated,” wrote John. “When you are making good money, it feels good to be the main breadwinner. However, when you are not and the credit card is stacking up it’s a very dark time indeed.” He went on to note that he’d never discussed this with anyone. Indeed, many wrote it was a question they’d rarely been asked.

Many man seemed shocked at the cost of weddings. Picture: iStock/Getty
Many man seemed shocked at the cost of weddings. Picture: iStock/Getty

Most are bemused by weddings and how much they cost. For several, their overriding emotion was shock that the woman they adored actually turned up. Most believed it was a day for indulging women’s fairytale fantasies (we might want to think about that). Simon loved that his wife stuck two fingers up to the traditionalists and wore black. “My first thought was probably about the night ahead.” Peter, married for 32 years, had just that morning glimpsed his 57-year-old wife naked in their bedroom and concluded she’d grown more beautiful since they wed. It made him teary thinking about it. He didn’t know why.

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As for their own bodies, they barely think about what they look like, worrying instead about their liver, hearts, prostate and cholesterol. Paul likes the lights down because he’s self-conscious about his “Kermit arms” but Tim has no such concerns. “Adonis,” he concludes when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror.

Many man said they’d be willing to give up beer … provided they could still drink whiskey and wine. Picture: iStock
Many man said they’d be willing to give up beer … provided they could still drink whiskey and wine. Picture: iStock

Of all the questions, the most illuminating responses related to emotions — although I laughed at Peter’s genuine inquiry: “Who is Cindy Crawford?” So many men acknowledged their lives had been deeply affected by them not dealing with — as they put it — “their emotional shit”. Sean spoke on behalf of a lot of men when he said he felt “emotional fatigue” around women. “Can you please stop talking!!!” he implored, but with a smiley face emoji. “When we’re hurt or frustrated we find it extremely difficult to express that verbally, just nothing wants to come out. We like to mentally box things up and pack them away.”

MORE FROM ANGELA MOLLARD: Why men don’t need to apologise

One 75-year-old man told me he has cried every day since his wife of 52 years died last year. Thank you for writing. I can hear your loneliness is profound. Conversely, I loved John’s gratitude to his social worker wife for deftly helping him discuss issues in a constructive way. “Lucky me, because I think others may find these situations far more confronting.”

As for the appalling state of men’s underpants, it seems there is a boy in the heart of many men. Picture: iStock
As for the appalling state of men’s underpants, it seems there is a boy in the heart of many men. Picture: iStock

Ian no doubt speaks for many men in bravely admitting he switches off. “We will nod our heads and you think we are listening but we aren’t. We will be pondering deep questions such as, ‘If plastic is made from oil, oil is made from fossils and fossils are made from dinosaurs does that mean that plastic dinosaurs are made from real dinosaurs?’ He noted that if there was a change in intonation and a woman’s voice went up, it indicated that “you want some input from us”. Hilarious. Good to know.

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As for the appalling state of men’s underpants, it seems there is a boy in the heart of many men. I’m flabbergasted by the number who have “lucky underpants” or, as Simon admits, he has a couple of pairs that do not meet “health, safety or support” standards but they were what he was wearing when he scored a try or hit a hole in one.

Many men admitted that more than anything, they’re just very tired. Picture: iStock
Many men admitted that more than anything, they’re just very tired. Picture: iStock

Plenty of men admitted they were curmudgeonly like Jack Nicholson in As Good As It Gets. They blamed lack of sex, feeling irrelevant and undervalued, and a loss of purpose. One lamented a decline in testosterone while another wished he had more interests. Another wrote: “Angela, I’m tired. Things hurt. But mostly I’m tired.”

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As for whether they’d give up telly, blow jobs or beer, the latter was the loser. But only because they figured they could still drink whiskey and wine!

Finally, plenty of men pointed out that there were far more important questions I’d missed. They’re right.

So here’s a few more: Do you like fake boobs? What’s your favourite aspect of fatherhood? Why do you find farting so amusing? And why can’t you read our minds?


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