We have no reason to be such a bunch of pessimists
My neighbour has Alzheimer’s, and while it’s hard to find any positives, her family has found one tiny piece of silver lining that we can all learn from, writes Angela Mollard.
My neighbour Robyn has Alzheimer’s.
It’s a savage disease that steals a brain by degrees. Robyn is just a few years older than me and yet her life, as she once enjoyed it, is all but over. A couple of years ago she’d still recognise me if we saw each other in the street. Not now.
Her gorgeous kids are in their 20s but they’ve returned home to help their dad and enjoy what time they have left with their mum. It’s unbelievably sad but when I chatted with Robyn’s husband last week he was strangely ebullient.
While Robyn’s life was now characterised by increasing degradations, he told me, there was one surprisingly delightful element about her illness. Because she couldn’t remember things, each time they went for a walk it was as if she was seeing everything for the first time.
“She gets excited by how blue the sky is and the sight of the ocean and the beauty of the trees even though she’s done the same walk hundreds of times before,” he told me. “She has this childlike enthusiasm and because she’s pointing out how wonderful everything is it makes me appreciate it more.”
MORE FROM ANGELA MOLLARD: Want to appear ageless? Follow these 10 tips
As we head towards a general election and all the attendant dastardliness and deception, I wonder if it’s time to pause and appreciate our country as if we were seeing it for the first time. The constant commentary — house price falls, wage stagnation, banking misconduct and global instability — may be unrelentingly negative but there are plenty of positives about the national landscape which we neglect to see.
The fact is, 55 years after Donald Horne wrote The Lucky Country — in which he argued that Australia had succeeded through good fortune rather than merit — we’re still receiving a string of “A” results in our report card from the global community. Of course, we must finesse and improve and innovate but perhaps we’re better able to do that from a position of gratitude and brio rather than pessimistic weariness.
We are on top of the world by so many measures. On the human development index which measures life expectancy, education and income per capita, we are third globally (New Zealand is 16th, US 13th and UK 14th). Yet do we wake up each day full of appreciation that we live longer, are better educated and earn more?
Our neighbours across the Tasman may be effusive about their young and progressive Prime Minister but our numbers tell an equally upbeat story. We are the 8th best country to live in if you’re a woman based on human rights, gender equality, income equality, progress and safety. In fact we’re ahead of New Zealand (9th), Germany (10th), UK (13th) and the US (16th).
New Zealand may top us on the Global Peace Index which assesses issues such as violent crime, terror incidents and military spending but we still come in at 13th place ahead of the usual Scandi show-offs, Sweden, Finland and Norway. We also score 13th place from Transparent International for lack of corruption in the public sector although this week’s Royal Commission findings into the financial services industry suggest the corporate sector cannot boast the same.
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Our legal system also gets a top score from the World Justice Project which assesses whether our government officials are accountable, our laws fair and enacted, and our justice system delivered competently. We ranked 10th internationally ahead of the UK (11th) and the US (19th).
While democracy has been facing a crisis around the world with 71 countries suffering net declines in political rights and civil liberties, Australia was one of only 35 nations registering gains in freedom. In the Freedom House index we ranked 6th with a score of 98 out of 100. Notably the US ranked 58th. Likewise, the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index rates us 9th ahead of Switzerland, the Netherlands and the UK.
Commercially, we’re also no slouch. For ease of doing business we rank 18th while the 2018 innovation index compiled by Cornell University and the World Intellectual Property Organisation found us ahead of NZ (22) in 20th spot. The UK was fourth and the US sixth, giving us something to aim for. Equally, we need to try harder in respect to climate change. We ranked 55th in the Climate Change Performance Index, well behind the UK in eighth place.
Perhaps the greatest surprise considering our Eeyore attitude is where we rank in the World Happiness Report. The poll, which ranks wellbeing variables including income, life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust and generosity, positions us 10th in the world.
It’s no surprise then that Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide all feature in the top 10 cities to live. Brisbane slipped slightly to 22nd place but the upside is the housing is more affordable.
As for the gratitude index … well, there isn’t one. But when the ailing and burdened can still find things to delight in, it’s incumbent on the rest of us to do the same.