What could push Melbourne home prices to jump $70k
The Super Members Council estimates the city’s median house price could jump by thousands if the Coalition’s proposed Super Home Buyer Scheme were passed. This is why.
The Super Members Council estimates the city’s median house price could jump by thousands if the Coalition’s proposed Super Home Buyer Scheme were passed. This is why.
Huge rent rises have been the norm in most areas but landlords in surprising Sydney locations have actually been slashing rents, offering tenants a refuge from the rental crisis.
Aussies struggling to pay the rent may be eligible for financial help as affordability hits a new low across the country. See what’s on offer in your state.
Single mum Sarah painstakingly searched for a home to lease for five months, applying for at least 30 rentals before finally finding one.
A young couple have finally scored the keys to their first home after six months of searching. Here’s how they did it.
Buyers are being given the opportunity to indulge in resort style living on the Brisbane River for a fraction of the cost. Find out where
A unique 2.2ha property that attracts thousands of visitors each week to its indoor market and heritage-listed gardens has hit the market.
How would you like to live at Couran Cove? A property guru has floated a plan to turn the troubled island resort into a haven for the homeless.
Melbourne’s housing market is on the verge of swapping doom for boom after median values increased in 351 out of 417 suburbs between April and June. SEARCH HOW YOUR AREA PERFORMED.
Demand for affordable housing and the room to work from home is driving the expansion of Queensland’s booming master-planned communities.
A now-edited rental listing has raised eyebrows after the property’s description contained a weird request from the landlord.
Hundreds of Queensland suburbs have defied the pain of ongoing rate hikes, with home values growing by as much as 34 per cent in some places. SEARCH INTERACTIVE LIST
It’s a rare breed of human that does not take no as an answer from banks, but here’s how Ben Mafrici eventually made them see things his way, securing loans to buy a whopping 21 properties.
Liquidator documents have revealed an estimated $9.94m in property owned by three ex-Porter Davis directors. It comes as one of them has listed a multimillion-dollar Lilydale pad for sale.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/property/page/190