‘Life changing’ scheme will help renters buy homes: Minister
Queensland’s housing minister says the state will be the first to roll out a “life changing” scheme to allow thousands of renters to buy their own home at reduced cost.
Queensland’s housing minister says the state will be the first to roll out a “life changing” scheme to allow thousands of renters to buy their own home at reduced cost.
Over a quarter of Geelong property purchases are done without needing a mortgage. See the suburbs where cash is king and who is buying.
Forget the mortgage, tens of thousands of Victorian homes are being bought ‘cash’ – without the banks getting a look in. See the neighbourhoods where cash is king, and find out who is buying.
The Queensland communities where tenants are buckling under the most severe rent stress have been revealed, with the Sunshine State ranked as one of the worst places to have a lease. SEARCH YOUR SUBURB
Keep an eye on the Brisbane property market in real time with our live auction coverage.
Millenials have been blamed for one of the biggest issues facing the Gold Coast over the next decade and why it will cost the economy billions to cope with.
The owner of the former corporate headquarters of an infamous failed financial services company, which collapsed owing investors more than $2bn, is selling the building for a big price.
A central Victorian farm, spanning 1340ha and owned by the same family for 35 years, has been listed for sale. See the details.
Rhiannon Caspersz and her three children have moved into one bedroom of her parents’ home after dealing with numerous rental applications rejected and no options left.
Tenants face pain in almost every corner of the Melbourne rental market, with 276 of the 337 suburbs across the city flagged as “not ideal” for tenants. SEARCH YOUR SUBURB
The Eureka Hotel is making a comeback in Geelong’s West End precinct as new owners reveal their plans for the venue once owned by Geelong businessman Darryn Lyons.
One of Australia’s biggest exporters says plans to transform the North Geelong power station into an industry innovation hub are substantially the same as a proposal blocked in 2020.
Hamilton Group’s new $30m vision for North Geelong’s Power Station is on planning fast-track after plenty of work to soothe opponents and target industry needs. See the plans.
Builder Mitch Pocklington and his wife Samantha took on a 130-year-old dilapidated home during the first year of the pandemic and gave it new life as a family showstopper. SEE INSIDE
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/property/page/188