LEGENDARY Australian swimmer Murray Rose is one of many famous faces to come out of the Bondi Amateur Swimming Club, which turns 125 this weekend.
Wentworth CourierBETWEEN school work and playing for three different football teams, Roman Koteczky is a busy youngster and this week’s Junior Sports Star nominee.
Wentworth CourierThe misery has finally ended for the Roosters. It was a horrible season both on and off the field and we can now look forward to a long off-season.
Wentworth CourierSydney Roosters’ woeful season has shown glimpses of what the future could hold. And it will depend on the stalwarts and the new crop of recruits hitting their straps.
Wentworth CourierThe Roosters have played with plenty of pride and commitment but lack of polish has cost victories. But have they clocked off for the season?
Wentworth CourierIT’S hard to fathom that a team with so much talent would succumb to a team down on troops and with more problems than Australian politics.