
Childhood cancer survivor dives in to help sick kids

Nathan Rix will make a splash in the upcoming Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim to raise money for kids with cancer.

Nathan Rix at a previous Ocean Swim event.
Nathan Rix at a previous Ocean Swim event.

Amputee and cancer survivor Nathan Rix will make a splash in the Bondi to Bronte Ocean Swim on December 3 to raise money for The Kids’ Cancer Project.

He has taken part in the annual swim five times – the first in 2014, raising close to $10,000 by getting friends and family to sponsor his swim, which starts at Bondi Beach and finishes 2.4km down the coast on the sands outside Bronte SLSC.

Since 2013, Bondi to Bronte swimmers have raised more than $330,000 to support vital kids’ cancer research.

Mr Rix, 35, was diagnosed with cancer in 1995 after a knee lump became a rare malignant tumour.

He endured countless operations, six weeks of radiation and 12 months of chemotherapy. He also had to spend 10 days in an induced coma.

Nathan Rix at a previous Ocean Swim event.
Nathan Rix at a previous Ocean Swim event.

While the treatments were harsh, he was able to complete school and enter the workforce. But in November 2004, Mr Rix discovered his cancer had returned.

“A trip to the specialist confirmed I had relapsed, and the tumour had shattered my tibia. I’d been going to work every day with a broken leg,” he said.

“My knee and part of my tibia was replaced, but within six months I relapsed again resulting in my right leg being amputated above the knee in May 2005.

“I might have lost my leg. But I count myself as one of the lucky ones. I’m still here to tell a story.”

Recovering from surgery, Mr Rix couldn’t wait to get back into the pool.

“I was swimming as soon as I was allowed by doctors after my amputation,” he said. “I gradually built up the distance and when I swam one kilometre I was stoked.

“It went from there; trying to go a little further every time. Swimming has never been about speed for me, it’s about distance.

“I use a short-blade head swim fin on my left foot. It’s mainly to keep me balanced in the water as my bottom half tends to want to sink with only one leg.”

Mr Rix said the fundraising aspect is also a great motivator.

“It’s all about helping the sick kids and funding trials so their treatment can be improved. If we can save one family going through what I did it’s worth every cent and every cent counts.”

Donate to Nathan’s fundraising page at, and The Kids’ Cancer Project

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