
Gerringong’s Hope Erokhin launches raw food business Mindful Treats

A phone call to a wrong number saw a Sydney mum move her life to the south coast and now she’s diving head first into the growing world of raw food.

When Sydney property manager Hope Erokhin’s husband called a wrong number and surprisingly landed a job on the south coast, they decided to make the move with their two children and she hasn’t looked back since.

The 42-year-old quickly found a job in Gerringong as a fitness and wellness coach, which has inspired her to launch herself into the growing raw food market and turn her home into a commercial kitchen.

If Kiama Municipal Council approves her plan, she will be able to run her first foray into the business world – Mindful Treats from her own kitchen.

Hope Erokhin is hoping to cash in on the growing raw food market by running a commercial kitchen out of her own home.
Hope Erokhin is hoping to cash in on the growing raw food market by running a commercial kitchen out of her own home.

“I want to help people take care of themselves, and eat nice food without guilt,” Ms Erokhin said.

“I’m still experimenting with everything at the moment, especially new flavours.”

From the popular bliss balls to a whole range of tasty and healthy treats, Ms Erokhin said the market for healthier food, especially raw food, is growing and she hopes to make the most of the growing trend.

“The idea came from my own gluten intolerance, and my life direction towards wellness,” she said.

“Raw food has really taken off recently, and I’m at a place where I can go out on my own with this business from home.

“It’s really blossomed.”

A phonecall to Hope Erokhin with her daughters Lola and Violet.
A phonecall to Hope Erokhin with her daughters Lola and Violet.

With ingredients sourced from Sydney, she said she had already created a buzz for her business just through word of mouth.

“I live in a little town, and we do have healthy food options here but they are not as close as you want them to be,’ she said.

“I’m hoping to change that.”

She said the health and wellbeing of children on the south coast was a priority, as many families look for healthier eating options.

Gerringon’s Hope Erokhin said healthy food for children has also inspired her Mindful treats business.
Gerringon’s Hope Erokhin said healthy food for children has also inspired her Mindful treats business.

“Most kids aren’t going to eat something purely for its health benefits so we need to get creative and show them that the foods that support good health, a healthy gut and good immunity can be really delicious too,” she said.

“The social aspect of eating is really important to me.

“Food is about being with the people that I love.

“It‘s about making memories,” she said.

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