
Bluey drug bust: Fraser Unterweger sentenced after admitting he delivered drugs

A mechanic has been sentenced after he admitted to a court he delivered drugs – ranging from MDMA to cocaine – concealing the illegal substances inside a stuffed ‘Bluey’ toy.

Batemans Bay mechanic, Fraser Unterweger, was sentenced in Local Court after he delivered drugs stuffed inside a ‘Bluey’ toy.
Batemans Bay mechanic, Fraser Unterweger, was sentenced in Local Court after he delivered drugs stuffed inside a ‘Bluey’ toy.

A south coast mechanic turned drug mule concealed the illegal drugs he was delivering by stuffing them inside a children’s ‘Bluey’ toy, a court has heard.

Fraser Unterweger, 24, of Batemans Bay, appeared in the Local Court on Monday where he was sentenced for taking part in drug supply, ongoing drug supply, three counts of drug supply, possessing a prohibited unauthorised firearm and doing a burnout.

The ‘Bluey’ drug mule had previously pleaded guilty to all charges.

Police documents tendered to the court reveal the Batemans Bay mechanic was delivering the substances regularly, transporting MDMA, a “small” amount of cocaine, cannabis and steroids for their sale, all stuffed inside a stuffed toy of the famous ABC kid show character.

Police documents did not reveal the total profit made from selling the drugs nor the amount of cocaine, cannabis and steroids delivered.

A Bluey toy stuffed with cocaine was seized by police during the raids on Unterweger's home.
A Bluey toy stuffed with cocaine was seized by police during the raids on Unterweger's home.

Unterweger was one of three people accused of being involved in the drug operation, with agreed facts noting the members were all “friends”.

Despite being involved, the court heard the young mechanic’s involvement started and ended with him simply delivering the substances.

A gel blaster was seized from Unterweger's home during the police raids.
A gel blaster was seized from Unterweger's home during the police raids.

“He wasn’t producing the drugs, he was the mule,” Unterweger’s lawyer Kel Clowry said.

The operation was foiled by NSW and ACT police on September 28, following investigations into drug supply along the state’s south coast and the nation’s capital which resulted in major raids.

It was in these very raids where Unterweger’s Batemans Bay home was searched by officers, who found the litany of drugs and the ‘Bluey’ toy which, at the time was stuffed with cocaine.

Officers also discovered and seized a gel blaster toy, which are illegal in NSW.

Unterweger also faced a charge of sustained loss of traction in a vehicle during his sentencing, after he performed a burnout in front of police on December 21, while out on bail for the drug supply. The offence saw him lose his licence on the spot.

Fraser Unterweger was sentenced at Batemans Bay Local Court on Monday.
Fraser Unterweger was sentenced at Batemans Bay Local Court on Monday.

In court, Mr Clowry said the small amount of drugs Unterweger delivered needed to be considered when sentencing.

“He concedes fully that he did supply the drugs, but only at a very low level,” he said.

Magistrate Michael O’Brien said Unterweger needed to change his ways.

“You’re a young man with most of his life ahead of you,” he said.

Quoting Dumbledore from the first ‘Harry Potter’ film, Mr O’Brien informed Unterweger “sometimes you need to say no to your friends”.

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends,” he said, quoting the movie. “If you are approached by your friend who wants you to engage in criminal activity, they are not your friend.”

For the multiple drug supply charges, Unterweger was convicted and sentenced to an intensive corrections order, lasting a total of 18 months.

Unterweger was also convicted for being in possession of the gel blaster, however, he was slapped with nothing more than a 12 month conditional release order with no conviction for the burnout.

“When you leave here today, you need to say you can and will do better in the future,” Mr O’Brien said.

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