
Batemans Bay: Typology Architects address Golf Links Dr apartment concerns

The architects who designed a multimillion-dollar apartment complex for a NSW south coast town have responded to a number of design questions after the proposal’s first round of public exhibition.

An artist’s impression of the Golf Links Dr building.
An artist’s impression of the Golf Links Dr building.

A multimillion-dollar apartment complex’s architects have addressed a litany of concerns raised by south coast residents who reside in the town where the major building is proposed.

The $8.4m, 20-unit, five-storey residential apartment building proposed for 61 and 63 Golf Links Dr, Batemans Bay, has re-entered public exhibition on the Eurobodalla Council website, after concerns were raised on the building’s design in its first public exhibition phase in September last year.

Residents submitted a number of complaints regarding the building’s design, suggesting the brick and concrete look did not fit the area’s aesthetics, as well as suggesting the building height would block views of surrounding properties.

Canberra-based Typology Architects – who designed the multimillion-dollar building – has responded to the concerns on behalf of developers Purdon Planning.

One concern raised by residents was the building height, noting the design exceeded Batemans Bay’s 15m height limit.

What the Golf Links Dr building is proposed to look like.
What the Golf Links Dr building is proposed to look like.

A spokesman for Typology Architects said the building height exceeded limits by less than four per cent, and did so to alleviate flood risks.

“A sensible design approach to minimise potential flood damage is to lift the ground level,” he said.

An artist’s impression of the inside of one of the 20 units.
An artist’s impression of the inside of one of the 20 units.

“Ground levels have been set based on engineering advice to minimise future risk, resulting in minor encroachment of building height.”

He said the design still complied with regulations.

“There is a very minor height encroachment of 3.8 per cent of the height limit, however, the development complies with the ADG notes that the Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Order 2006 allows for architectural roof features that can exceed the maximum building height,” he said.

The architect firm also addressed concerns the building would create privacy issues for surrounding homes on Golf Links Dr.

“Window screening and facade blades protect visual privacy to neighbouring dwellings,” the spokesman said.

“Minor non-compliance occurs at the fifth storey, however, as per the lower levels, the use of window screening, angles to pop-out windows and facade blades have been carefully considered and ensure that visual privacy to neighbouring dwellings is protected.”

Despite concerns that the design did not fit the aesthetics of the riverside street, Typology Architects said the design met the standards required in the “Dwelling Type A Livable Housing Plan”.

They also said landscaping would be completed to keep the design aesthetically pleasing.

The statements from Typology Architects arise after residents on Golf Links Dr told The South Coast News their opinions on the proposed building.

Jeff Myers – who resides opposite the land proposed to be developed – said he wasn’t surprised to hear yet another apartment building would be constructed.

“I mean, we’re turning into Canberra 2.0, which is funny because I actually moved from Canberra because I didn’t want to live around high rises,” he said.

“But, there’s really no point in complaining, because it’s just the natural progression of growth in a town growing like this.”

Further down the street, Margaret Hughes said she was not aware the development was even proposed.

“I don’t use the internet, so I didn’t know it was even happening,” she said.

“It would be nice if developers would door knock the street to let people know that these sorts of buildings could be coming.”

While Ms Hughes was disappointed to see her street going up, she conceded it was only the town growing.

“I suppose it was just a matter of time,” she said.

The $8.4m apartment, which will have 20 units ranging from two-bedrooms to three-bedrooms and will each contain kitchens, living rooms, bathrooms and studies, will remain on public exhibition until August 9.

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