
Upper Hunter Shire Greens councillor Sue Abbott resigns after being reported

An Upper Hunter Shire councillor has abruptly resigned after claims of “appalling” conduct from council and a “complete lack of passion”. Find out why.

Former Upper Hunter Shire councillor Sue Abbott has resigned. Picture: Supplied
Former Upper Hunter Shire councillor Sue Abbott has resigned. Picture: Supplied

In what has been described as the worst year of her life, after the tragic death of her son, an Upper Hunter Shire councillor has abruptly resigned after claims of “appalling” conduct from council.

Greens councillor Sue Abbott is demanding an apology after she was reported to the Office of Local Government (OLG) for not filling out a disclosures of pecuniary interest form, despite being on compassionate leave.

After a six month break, mourning the death of her son and visiting her new grandchild in England, Ms Abbott was set to return to council in mid-November.

Former Greens Upper Hunter Shire councillor Sue Abbott and her grandchild. Ms Abbott tendered her resignation from council on November 1, 2022. Supplied.
Former Greens Upper Hunter Shire councillor Sue Abbott and her grandchild. Ms Abbott tendered her resignation from council on November 1, 2022. Supplied.

But after hearing from fellow councillor Liz Flaherty, who was also on personal leave, that they had both been reported for not handing in a form following an ordinary meeting in October, she said she simply couldn’t “take it anymore” and immediately handed in her resignation.

“I listened to the meeting and was just appalled to hear one of the councillors asking what legal recourse does the Upper Hunter Shire Council have for councillors who have not filled out these particular forms,” she said.

“I thought ‘this is ridiculous, most people have hearts’. I was so shocked that they could play these games when I was on compassionate leave for just about the worst reason ever.

“Our lives have been completely up-ended and never to be the same again and I just needed time to be able to get back on the street and grieve again.”

Upper Hunter Shire councillor Liz Flaherty was one of the councillors reported to the Office of Local Government for not completing a form.
Upper Hunter Shire councillor Liz Flaherty was one of the councillors reported to the Office of Local Government for not completing a form.

Ms Flaherty was sitting in that October meeting when the agenda item came up and said she was also shocked at what she believed to be a “deliberate tactic”.

“I think this was orchestrated. I think it was grandstanding and they tried to victimise her (Sue) as a councillor,” she said.

“We had both said to the council before we went on leave that they were able to contact us for anything urgent but we would not be checking council emails … contact us on personal emails, text or phone if there was anything we urgently had to attend to.”

In an email obtained by The Newcastle News to General Manager Greg McDonald, Ms Abbott tendered her resignation and said she could no longer see a role at the council.

“To work with people who think that it is appropriate and necessary to publicly call out someone when that person is on a leave of absence following the death of their son shows complete lack of compassion,” it read.

Mr McDonald replied he was sorry she felt that way, but it was a requirement under the code of conduct to complete the disclosure of interest forms

“As you know we only communicate to councillors through their councillor email for council related matters,” he said.

Upper Hunter Shire Council.
Upper Hunter Shire Council.

“There is no discretion in the code for me to consider extenuating circumstances although when I forwarded the advice to the Office of Local Government I made it clear that the two disclosures that hadn’t been received were from councillors who were on varying periods of leave.

“It is disappointing that you are leaving under these circumstances and I thank you for you many years of service as a councillor.”

Ms Abbott said while she appreciated there was a process council needed to follow regarding these matters, she was horrified by the lack of communication and the complete disregard shown, given her recent tragedy.

“If this had been so important why hadn’t he text me to say it was coming up or better still just ring me,” she explained.

Ms Flaherty added, “they were in contact with Sue for a range of other matters and if it was so urgent it meant that it needed the form by the due date, we would be open to do that but we were not alerted to the process”.

A spokesperson from the Upper Hunter Shire Council said the OLG’s code of conduct was clear in that if the deadline wasn’t met to submit the form, councillors were to be reported.

“Ms Abbott was emailed on three separate occasions during her leave to remind her to complete the form,” they said.

“Council can only work within the rules set out by the Office of Local Government and has dutifully done so in this instance.”

A spokesperson from the OLG also confirmed they had received a complaint from Ms Abbott and followed up promptly.

“We acknowledge the tragic circumstances involved in this case,” they said.

“The Office of Local Government will not be pursuing any action in relation to Ms Abbott and the matter is now closed.”

The General Manager and Upper Hunter Shire Mayor have been contacted for comment.

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