

Newcastle singer Daniel ‘Jimmy’ Hanson jailed for child sex and indecent assault charges

The singer in well known Hunter bands was described as having “undetected, continuous and predatory behaviour”. He was jailed for using his popularity and status to prey on young females.

What to do if you think a child is being abused

“Undetected, continuous and predatory behaviour.”

Popular Newcastle lead singer, Daniel ‘Jimmy’ Hanson used his band status to prey on young females to fulfil his sick fantasy to dominate and commit sexual acts with them.

Of the 14 victims, most were just children — aged between 12 and 22 — flattering them with compliments, coercing them to do things they didn’t want to and pressuring them into thinking it was all OK.

Previously six of those victims facing him in court to give devastating accounts of their encounters and “abusive” relationships with Hanson, and the disastrous effects of nightmares, isolation, flashbacks and how their lives spiralled out of control, wishing they had never met him.

Judge Penelope Hock said the statements provided were read with such dignity.

Daniel 'Jimmy' Hanson, jailed for sexual grooming of young females. Credit: Facebook
Daniel 'Jimmy' Hanson, jailed for sexual grooming of young females. Credit: Facebook

“All of the victims are to be commended for coming forward, it is self evidence children are vulnerable of abuse and deserve the protection of our society.”

In Newcastle District Court on Thursday, the now 34-year-old appeared via video link and kept his head down as he was jailed for 28 years, with a non-parole period of 21 years.

He won’t be eligible for release until August, 2040.

The former lead singer for Newcastle bands ‘Falling for Beloved’ and ‘We built Atlantis’, pleaded guilty to 23 charges of child sex and indecent assault offences.

The court heard between the ages of 18 and 24, Hanson sexually groomed the young females in the Hunter Region from 2005 to 2014.

He showed sexual interest in young women under 16 and would seek sex from fans, going by the pseudonym ‘Jimmy Beloved’.

The court heard how he would meet young girls at live gigs, ask for their phone number before sending them messages of a sexual nature, including nude photographs.

Then he would lure them into sexual acts, telling them “it’s our little secret”.

The court heard he was coercive in convincing a 14-year-old girl to skip school before he raped her in a storm water drain in her school uniform, and told her to keep quiet.

“He love bombed me. I was brainwashed into thinking this was something special,” she previously told the court while giving her victim impact statement.

In 2005, when Hanson was 18, he made the moves on a 12-year-old girl. He called her “sweetie” and “darling” and would compliment her on her good looks, before persuading her to do sexual acts, the court heard.

Hanson had interest in young females. Credit: Facebook
Hanson had interest in young females. Credit: Facebook

On her 13th birthday he gave her a bracelet and composed a poem.

He sent another victim, who was 14 at the time, song lyrics and said they reminded him of her, while he sent naked pictures of himself to a 13-year-old girl and told her she was “so sweet and so cute”.

On numerous occasions he would take advantage of the young girls after inviting them to his Jesmond home, or by taking them to secluded spots nearby to sexually assault them.

One of the victims — a 22-year-old woman — was a mate’s girlfriend, who he tried to force himself on before she rejected his advances.

One of the victims reported his actions to Parramatta police in 2017, it was forwarded to Newcastle police before he was eventually arrested in August 2019, where he remained in custody.

Hanson surmounted a staggering 111 charges, before late last year he pleaded guilty to a fraction of those, with 85 charges being dismissed and three charges of common assault taken into account on sentencing.

Those included having sexual intercourse with a person between 14 and 16; sexual intercourse of a person between 10 and 14; indecent assault of a person under 16; aggravated indecent assault of a victim under 16; assault with act of indecency; incite person under 16 to commit an act of indecency; sexual intercourse without consent and commit an act of indecency with person under 16.

Two other charges he was sentenced for were an adult maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child, a charge that was strengthened following the royal commission and now carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Judge Hock detailed Hanson’s emotionally deprived background, and said he had been sexually abused as an 11 and 12-year-old and he had committed two suicide attempts.

“His background reduces his moral culpability to some extent,” she said.

“He ceased sexual offences at age 27, five years before his arrest, so that is some evidence of rehabilitation.

“He appears to have some insight into the seriousness of conduct and I accept he is genuinely remorseful, but he would clearly benefit from psychological counselling and the sex offenders program.”

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