Canterbury Bankstown residents face council hike in rate fees
Canterbury Bankstown Council plans to impose a 2.7 per cent rates increase in line with that approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
Canterbury Bankstown Council plans to impose a 2.7 per cent rates increase in line with that approved by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal.
The domestic waste fee will be increased by $30 per property.
Overall, this works out to $550 for residents of the former city of Bankstown and $485 for the former city of Canterbury.
The council said currently there were different waste services being provided to the residents of the former Canterbury and Bankstown councils.
“Council’s annual domestic waste levy for residential properties will increase by $30 per annum, which reflects a general increase in the cost of providing the service and the longer term costs associated with replacing plant, bins and rehabilitating various waste facilities,” it said.
“Notwithstanding the increase, council’s proposed rates are still considered reasonable when compared to other councils who provide a similar/comparable three bin service.”
Around 20,500 pensioners are entitled to the council’s voluntary rate rebate and State Government’s mandatory rebate. The maximum mandatory rebate, which is 55 per cent funded by the state, is $250 per year.
An additional $40 per year will be provided for eligible pensioners.
The council will provide a further voluntary rebate of $40 annually, in accordance with its rates and charges debt recovery and hardship assistance policy.
The council’s revenue budget, excluding capital grants and contributions) is expected to be $314 million, a rise of $9.8m (3.2 per cent) to that originally planned for 2018/19.
The council’s employee costs in the 2019-20 budget include an award increase of 2.5 per cent. The number of full time equivalent employee for 2019-20 financial year is set at 1410.
The Draft 2019/20 Operational Plan, incorporating 2019-20 budget and schedule of fees and charges, will be available for public exhibition and comment.
Copies of the plans are available at council libraries and customer service centres and the website.
The council said the plan would be submitted for adoption in June, after the exhibition period.