
Yu Kai Lin admits to role in major $1m cannabis syndicate from Beverly Hills home

A soon-to-be-father has admitted to running and supplying large amounts of marijuana and cannabis cookies as part of a dial-a-dealer syndicate worth $1 million, a court has heard.

Yu Kai Lin, 30, pleaded guilty to drug supply offences in Sutherland Local Court. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis
Yu Kai Lin, 30, pleaded guilty to drug supply offences in Sutherland Local Court. Picture: Ashleigh Tullis

A soon-to-be-father has admitted to running and supplying large amounts of marijuana and cannabis cookies as part of a dial-a-dealer syndicate worth $1 million, a court has heard.

Taiwanese national Yu Kai Lin, 30, pleaded guilty to supplying prohibited drugs, knowingly or recklessly directing a criminal group and dealing with the proceeds of crime in Sutherland Local Court on Tuesday.

Agreed facts tendered to court said the State Crime Command’s drug and firearm squad started investigating the supply of prohibited drugs in the Sydney area last year.

The investigation uncovered a dial-a-dealer operation working in the Sydney metro region seven days a week.

Customers ordered cannabis on encrypted apps such as WeChat, Telegram and WhatsApp with runners delivering drugs to them.

Customers also had the option to attend a location where they would be met by a member of the group, documents said.

Lin will be sentenced next month.
Lin will be sentenced next month.

Investigators allege the operation had an estimated turnover in excess of $1 million per year.

Police determined the syndicated had price lists for the varying amounts of drugs which ranged from $120 for six cannabis cookies, $200 for 14g up to $340 for an ounce or 28g of cannabis.

Police intercepted Lin’s phone during the investigation where they captured discussions of his involvement in the operation.

Lin took an “active role” where he co-ordinated the activities of other members of the group including procuring drugs for sale and collecting money from members of the group; and he also acted as a runner.

Investigators raided a home in Alkoomie St in Beverly Hills on November 29 where they found Lin and two other co-accused.

Police located and seized at least 10kg of bulk cannabis leaf, pre-packaged cannabis and cookies infused with cannabis, documents said.

Lin was arrested and taken to Campsie police station, before a search of Lin’s Burwood home located $85,000 in cash which was the proceeds of Lin’s drug supply.

During a police interview, Lin made full admissions to his involvement with the criminal group and supplied cannabis on an almost daily basis for six months.

He said he drove to customers and made at least 10 deliveries a day, six days a week where he sold between 7g and 28.4g, documents said.

Lin told investigators he sold $1000 worth of cannabis daily and kept between $300 and $400.

He also packaged cannabis into plastic packets and had knowledge and access to the bulk amount of cannabis and cookies at the Beverly Hills address.

A review of his phone revealed conversation with an upline supplier who communicated with Lin daily where Lin would place orders for cannabis in pound quantities.

In November Lin agreed to purchase 2.27kg of cannabis for $17,600.

The documents said Lin was unemployed and supplying drugs was his only source of income.

Documents said Lin was unlawfully living in the country on a temporary working holiday visa that expired in 2020.

The court heard Lin’s wife was due to give birth this week and his reporting obligations as part of his bail were reduced to four days a weeks.

A sentence assessment report will be prepared and he will be sentenced on June 11.

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