
Benjamin Klein: Drug importer sentenced to jail term at Downing Centre District Court after arrest at Sydney Airport

A man who imported millions of dollars worth of cocaine and methamphetamine into Australia appeared to have escaped the law for a decade after authorities told him he was “free to leave” the country.

The Downing Centre District Court. Picture: Nikki Short
The Downing Centre District Court. Picture: Nikki Short

A man who imported millions of dollars worth of cocaine and methamphetamine into Australia appeared to have escaped the law when authorities told him he was “free to leave” the country.

But after more than a decade at large, Benjamin Klein, 43, saw his luck run out when he re-entered his home country and was immediately snapped up at the airport by waiting AFP officers.

On Wednesday, the 43-year-old was convicted of two counts of importing a commercial quantity of an illegal drug in Downing Centre District Court.

Klein was sentenced for his role in the importation scheme on Wednesday. Generic image.
Klein was sentenced for his role in the importation scheme on Wednesday. Generic image.

The court heard Klein, along with his brother Jonathan Klein and two other men, was part of a plot to import 3.8kg of ice and 614g of cocaine into Australia in 2012.

At the time this scheme was hatched, Klein was renting an apartment which was being used as a drug warehouse in Hong Kong, while Jonathan Klein was working for an airline and had security clearance.

The court heard Klein, along with one of the co-offenders, brought the drugs onto a flight from Hong Kong to Sydney by taping the cocaine to their inner thighs and placing the meth in a protein powder tub.

The drugs were then hidden in a business class toilet and Jonathan Klein retrieved them when the plane landed.

Jonathan Klein was arrested at the airport. File image.
Jonathan Klein was arrested at the airport. File image.

But before he could leave work, Jonathan Klein was arrested and charged by waiting law enforcement officers.

Klein, who was aware his brother had been arrested, told an AFP officer he wanted to visit his partner and family who lived in Thailand, a court heard.

The officer told Klein he was “free to leave” but would be charged at a later date. Little did they know that day would be more than a decade away.

Klein left Australia on August 15, 2012 and only returned in March 2023 because his Visa had expired.

He was arrested as soon as he landed at Sydney Airport and has remained in custody on remand ever since.

Klein was sentenced at Downing Centre District Court. Picture: Nikki Short.
Klein was sentenced at Downing Centre District Court. Picture: Nikki Short.

In court, Judge Robyn Tupman said Klein played a “critical” role in the importation of the drugs, which were estimated at the time to have a street value greater than $4 million.

“It is only too well known to this court that drugs are wrecking havoc all across Australia,” she said. She further described meth as a “pernicious” drug which “the community pays a huge price for”.

The court also heard Klein had a difficult upbringing and limited criminal history.

He had suffered from substance use disorder, addicted to a combination of drugs including opiates and amphetamines when he was younger, however, he had remained clean for the past ten years.

Judge Tupman said there was an “abundance of evidence” Klein’s drug use had motivated his decision to be involved in the importation scheme and his long stint of sobriety showed his ability to rehabilitate.

He was convicted and sentenced to seven years and six months behind bars, with a four year non-parole period.

Jonathan Klein and the two other men involved in the drug importation scheme have previously been convicted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment.

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