

Joseph Emmanuel Gavin: Free Man YouTuber threatened to ‘gut’ Penrith police chief

The state of NSW sought a terrorism supervision order against a 5G conspiracy theorist – who believes the government is run by pedophilic, cannibalistic freemasons – after he threatened to “gut” a senior female police officer.

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A western Sydney conspiracy theorist who believes the government is run by paedophile cannibal freemasons and threatened to “gut” a senior police officer will not be subjected to extended supervision under anti-terror laws despite a desperate bid by the state of NSW.

Joseph Emmanuel Gavin pleaded guilty to intimidation, possessing or using an offensive weapon and resisting a police officer after threatening to “gut” a high-ranking female police officer in a YouTube video in May 2020.

After a stint behind bars, Gavin’s full sentence expired on February 13 – prompting an ultimately unsuccessful attempt by NSW as instructed by the Attorney General in the Supreme Court to subject him to a supervision order under the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act.

Penrith police station in Sydney’s west. Picture: Richard Dobson
Penrith police station in Sydney’s west. Picture: Richard Dobson

A judgment from the NSW Supreme Court detail an array of graphic threats against Gavin’s ex-partner, 5G mobile network towers, courthouses, magistrates, and a highly ranked Penrith police officer Gavin first met in high school.

The police officer in question in Chief Inspector Tracy Stone from Penrith Police Area Command.

“I will gut the f*cking area commander of Penrith, I will find the c*nt and I will gut you Tracy,” Gavin said on YouTube.

Chief Inspector Tracy Stone.
Chief Inspector Tracy Stone.

In the same video, Gavin also said: “I was f*cking depressed like f*cking dealing with a f*cking filthy f*cking ex, if I ever catch her I’m gonna cut her hands off, cut her tongue off and pluck her eyes out.”

None of his diatribes except the threat to “gut” the highly ranked Penrith police officer resulted in any criminal charges or convictions.

Gavin was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment for the intimidation at Penrith Local Court on August 11 last year and convicted without further penalty for the other offences.

With time served, he was released on parole on August 13, before his full sentence expired on February 13.

Gavin was sentenced to a 15-month prison term at Penrith Local Court in August 2021.
Gavin was sentenced to a 15-month prison term at Penrith Local Court in August 2021.

The material – which was ultimately removed from Gavin’s YouTube – was tendered to the Supreme Court by the state in their efforts to secure the extended supervision order against him when his sentence expired.

The relentless reel of threats also included foul anti-Semitic abuse which the Penrith Press has chosen not to repeat.

In the Supreme Court, the State of NSW submitted there was a “clear risk” of Gavin’s conduct “intensifying to a point where he carries out an action”.

However, Justice Ian Harrison did not accept that submission.

Instead, Justice Harrison said in his judgment Gavin’s words appeared to be “an angry and discursive rant about unspecified and unrelated grievances”.

“Extreme violence is not the same as violent extremism: violent extremism is the beliefs and actions of people who support or use violence to achieve ideological, religious, or political goals,” Justice Harrison said.

“That may include terrorism, as well as other forms of politically motivated and communal violence, but is not necessarily or always coextensive with terrorism.”

The Supreme Court heard Gavin was highly active on social media, and particularly YouTube prior to his arrest.
The Supreme Court heard Gavin was highly active on social media, and particularly YouTube prior to his arrest.

Justice Harrison said he did not believe Gavin’s behaviour was politically or ideologically motivated.

However, a psychologist who prepared a risk assessment report for the court described Gavin as “radicalised to an extreme ideology”.

“While he has not engaged in an act of ideologically motivated violence, he has verbalised threats and detailed methods of how to achieve mass impact outcomes,” the report tendered to the Supreme Court stated.

“He has the network and capability to either incite others to or engage in an independent act of violent extremism, politically motivated violence or terrorism.”

The report said Gavin’s personal grievances and “lack of life purpose” led him to discover these ideological influences in online forums.

“Mr Gavin has more recently restricted his online presence (but) he does not appear to have engaged in the process of disengagement,” the report states.

“Mr Gavin currently believes that … the government is an illegitimate, corrupt, and fraudulent entity that is privately owned and run by pedophilic, cannibalistic and murderous freemasons. “He often refers to these individuals as ‘malignant c*nts’, ‘malignant grubs’, ‘masonic grub c*nts’, or ‘parasitic organisms’.”

Gavin has since wiped his YouTube account, though it remains active without any videos visible.
Gavin has since wiped his YouTube account, though it remains active without any videos visible.

The risk assessment report author said his ideology was comprised of sovereign citizen ideology, which is “anti-authority, anti-system, anti-Establishment and anti-government”.

The author said Gavin’s ideology seemed to incorporate other narratives such as pro-gun ownership, anti-vaccination, antifeminism and other online sociopolitical and conspiracy movements such as Qanon.

The Qanon conspiracy theory – American in its origin – is largely predicated on the false belief the world is run by underground paedophiles.

“I remain unsatisfied to a high degree of probability or indeed at all that Mr Gavin poses an unacceptable risk of committing a serious terrorism offence unless kept under supervision of an extended order,” Justice Harrison concluded.

“Subjecting Mr Gavin to a supervision order even at this preliminary stage would in my opinion be counter-productive and inimical to his post-release rehabilitation.”

The application against Gavin was dismissed with costs.

The threats which constituted Gavin’s original offending were aired in a series of YouTube videos.
The threats which constituted Gavin’s original offending were aired in a series of YouTube videos.


These extracts from Gavin’s YouTube channel were tendered to the NSW Supreme Court as evidence in the state of NSW’s bid for an extended supervision order.

The posts in which these extracts were contained were all removed from YouTube after Gavin’s release from custody for the intimidation charge.

Except for the intimidation charge pertaining to Gavin’s threats to the high-ranking police officer, none of these posts has been the subject of a criminal charge or conviction.

October 19, 2019: “ … if people use their brains you can take out a whole police stations with a bit of gas. There’s so many ways to take these c*nts out without even f*cking being here.”

March 4, 2020: “the only way you can take out a f*cking tower, is to punch a hole in the side of those boxes and light them up, you waste your time trying to take out the tower unless you have a directed energy weapon – take out the box or the power source out of it – because they are going to nuke you and nuke your kids … if you are going to kill yourself because you haven’t seen your kids, take a couple of them with ya.”

March 9, 2020: “If you are going to f*cking shoot at police, make sure you’ve got a semiautomatic weapon.”

March 14, 2020: [showing pictures of and talking about the Parliament House in Canberra] “what we need to do is f*ck this off and people need to wake up” [in relation to mobile towers] “basically you are wasting your time going around protesting just turn up and burn the tower down”

March 16, 2020: [in the context of a discussion where Gavin asserts that courthouses are masonic temples] “Brendon talks about the Courts being Jewish Cabals. There is your Gosford Court, go and burn that thing down alright, that is a Masonic Temple.”

April 14, 2020: [in a video titled NYC I.C.U. doctors] “you need to find these c*nts and f*cking hack them to pieces.”

May 9, 2020: “If you are going to shoot one copper, why not shoot a whole f*cking police station worth”

May 16, 2020: “If I catch the c*nt, I literally, I, I will gut the f*cking area commander f*cking peodoph- I’ll find the c*nt and I’ll gut you [name of highly ranked female police officer] or whatever the f*ck you call yourself”

February 25, 2020: “every magistrate and judge in Australia basically needs to have their head removed from their shoulders, right. its as simply as that.”

April 12, 2020: “ … community corrections officer worker from Penrith said “don’t you want to be part of a society” … I want to f*cking stab their eyes out of their f*cking head. There aren’t words. I mean I want to carve them up … I want to carve them up while they’re alive.”

April 16, 2020: “Whenever a cop gets shot, it makes me smile”

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