

Parramatta Deputy Mayor Michelle Garrard alleges verbal barrage by Liberal councillor Ben Barrak

Serious allegations have been levelled against a western Sydney Liberal councillor who is already facing a party probe into the same alleged incidents.

Councillor's ninth ban

The NSW Liberal Party is reviewing a complaint by Parramatta Deputy Lord Mayor Michelle Garrard over allegations she was verbally abused in two separate incidents by one of its endorsed councillors.

Cr Garrard alleges that Liberal Benjamin Barrak called her a “c***” during a meeting with the party’s six Parramatta councillors in September 2017, before “screaming out that I was acting like a whore” in a further incident three months later.

In a leaked email to the party’s state director Chris Stone on July 16, the Our Local Community councillor wrote of the first alleged exchange at the Port Bar restaurant in Parramatta: “As our discussions progressed regarding various local topics, Cr Barrak got aggressive and screamed across the table towards me, calling me a c***.

“This completely disgusted me.”

Parramatta Liberal councillor Ben Barrak after being kicked out of a council meeting for the ninth straight time. It is now up to 13, ahead of another council meeting next week.
Parramatta Liberal councillor Ben Barrak after being kicked out of a council meeting for the ninth straight time. It is now up to 13, ahead of another council meeting next week.

In relation to the second alleged incident at the same venue in December 2017, Cr Garrard wrote: “At one point during our catch-up (with several councillors), Cr Barrak arrived and then got into a heated discussion with me which ended up with him screaming out that I was acting like a whore.”

Cr Barrak late today strongly denied the allegations levelled against him by Cr Garrard.

“The complaint … is a fabrication,” Cr Barrak, who did accept both meetings took place, said.

“I did not use the words attributed to me by Cr Garrard. I suggest that Michelle Garrard and other Liberal councillors making the identical complaint do so for an illicit political purpose.

“The failure to provide me with a copy of the complaint and the leaking of it to the media, even before I am aware of its existence and contents, adds to the complaint being contrived to achieve a political outcome in the public arena by smearing my name.”

He said the timing of the complaint — nearly two years after the alleged incidents — showed it was a political tactic to undermine him.

“In the two years, it was open to Michelle Garrard to refer the matter to police, other authorities such as the Ombudsman, within internal council processes and the Office of Local Government. She did not (on all fronts),” Cr Barrak said.

A NSW Liberal Party spokesman said it was taking the allegations “seriously” and Cr Garrard’s complaint was under review.

The Advertiser revealed in June that Parramatta Liberal councillor Martin Zaiter claimed he had witnessed the first alleged verbal attack by Cr Barrak.

Michelle Garrard, pictured during prepoll at this year’s State Election where she ran as a candidate, has made serious allegations against a Liberal councillor.
Michelle Garrard, pictured during prepoll at this year’s State Election where she ran as a candidate, has made serious allegations against a Liberal councillor.

In a leaked email to NSW Police Minister and Baulkham Hills MP David Elliott, he wrote: “It was with great pain to be seated in a public cafe (Port Bar) and having to watch Cr Barrak call Cr Garrard a c***, among other things.

“This behaviour is completely deplorable and something that ended up costing the Liberal Party … the first elected Lord Mayor of the newly amalgamated City of Parramatta Council.”

Cr Martin Zaiter.
Cr Martin Zaiter.

The Advertiser understands the party is dealing with a separate complaint against Cr Barrak on the same alleged incidents.

The matter is before the state executive for a decision this month.

Cr Barrak is also embroiled in a legal dispute with Parramatta Council which has seen him booted out of 13 straight meetings.

It dates back to February 20 when he labelled Lord Mayor Andrew Wilson a “clown” after being called a “liar”, verbally attacked a council lawyer and stormed out of the meeting with confidential papers.

Cr Barrak denies any wrongdoing and has since taken the matter to court. A judge in the Land and Environment Court ruled in favour of the council in April.

Cr Barrak, pictured next to Parramatta State Liberal MP Geoff Lee late last year. Cr Barrak is one of Dr Lee’s biggest supporters.
Cr Barrak, pictured next to Parramatta State Liberal MP Geoff Lee late last year. Cr Barrak is one of Dr Lee’s biggest supporters.

Justice Tim Moore said Parramatta Council was within its rights to enforce the expulsion until the councillor apologised, which Cr Barrak has refused to do.

The matter is now before the Supreme Court, where an appeal hearing took place on July 17. A judgment has been reserved.

Cr Barrak has been paid nearly $15,000 in councillor allowances since his first ban — but has not been allowed to contribute to general meetings or committees.

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