Petition for wind turbines on Manly Beach and along northern beaches has 20,000 signatures
More than 20,000 people have signed a petition calling for wind turbines along the northern beaches coastline to offset climate change — and it’s not the only suggestion.
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A tongue-in-cheek petition calling on the people of Warringah to install wind turbines along the foreshore of the northern beaches has gained more than 20,000 signatures.
The petition set up by Brendan Triffett is calling on new independent Warringah
MP Zali Steggall and her supporters to show leadership on immediate climate change action.
His petition proposes that she should install wind turbines along the beaches and headlands, “taking advantage of the sea breezes”.
He has even gone to the trouble of mocking up a picture of how Manly Beach would look with wind turbines.
“Zali Steggall and the people of Warringah need to show leadership on immediate climate change action,” Mr Triffett wrote in the petition.
“Let’s do it for the children!”
Ms Steggall’s main promise during the election campaign was taking action on climate change and in her victory speech she promised to be a “climate leader”.
She unseated former Liberal prime minister Tony Abbott - who has been sceptical about policies to increase cuts to emissions - after 25 years.
After clocking up more than 20,000 signatures in a week Mr Triffett suggested ideas to build on the momentum, including starting a petition to end the private ownership of vehicles in Warringah.
“This is a unique opportunity to see how renewable energy might work on a small-scale level,” he wrote.
“No use attempting a global overhaul before testing the idea locally.”
It may safely be assumed Mr Triffett is not local considering he spelled Warringah wrong in his latest post.
And, many of those signing are not local either judging by the comments.
One, Andrew Zapoelli suggested Warringah residents should lead by example and disconnect themselves from the power grid.
Pas Cappetta said an official sounding Government message should be sent out saying all the petrol stations in Warringah will be closed down.
And, Mark Pinochet added that he would like to see pandas bred on the beaches.
“I’d like to see a panda breeding program and enclosure built under the wind farm basically where all the cars used to drive,” he wrote.
“With oil burning cars taken off the road and bamboo planted in the streets, pandas will be able to live in harmony.”
Ms Steggall said the petition came about following a segment on Alan Jones’s radio show where wind turbines on the northern beaches were suggested.
“It’s disappointing to see that this is the most productive they can be on a very important and serious issue,” she said.