
Residents to have their say on Masterplan to develop Leppington Oval at Pat Kontista Reserve

Residents can soon have their say on a plan to upgrade Leppington Oval. See what facilities would be delivered in each stage.

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A grand plan to transform a southwest Sydney reserve in three stages will soon go on public exhibition to give residents a chance to have their say on the development.

The Leppington Oval Precinct masterplan proposes the development of a new Recreation and Open Space Precinct, incorporating the existing Leppington Oval, also known as Pat Kontista Reserve.

The precinct is to be delivered in three stages with the aim to provide high quality recreational facilities to the Leppington community and visitors.

Stage one of the development would deliver three playing fields, three tennis courts, a multipurpose sports court, fitness stations, nature play and play spaces and a community centre.

Camden Council will soon release a draft masterplan of Leppington Oval Precinct that looks to transform the area in three stages. Impression of Leppington Oval Plan 1A.
Camden Council will soon release a draft masterplan of Leppington Oval Precinct that looks to transform the area in three stages. Impression of Leppington Oval Plan 1A.

Stage two would include more fitness stations, a shared path network along Scalabrini Creek and a boardwalk, while stage three would see a playspace, boardwalks, fitness stations, open lawn areas and an extensive path network added.

Mayor of Camden, Therese Fedeli, said it was important for the community to have a say on the future of the facility.

“Council is committed to providing residents and visitors valuable open space and recreational facilities,” she said.

“It is key to engage with the future users of the precinct to get a sense of what they believe is needed at their local park.

Impression of Leppington Oval Plan stage 1B and 1C.
Impression of Leppington Oval Plan stage 1B and 1C.

“The Leppington Oval Precinct will deliver multiple sporting and recreation opportunities for the fast-growing Leppington community.”

At last week’s council meeting Camden’s councillors endorsed the proposal to place the draft Leppington Oval Masterplan on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, from Wednesday June 29.

For more information and to have your say, click here.

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