

Fatima Barghachoun sentenced for role in brutal extortion in Sydney’s southwest

A mother of eight has been jailed for her role in a brutal extortion where she aided her brother’s humiliating shake down of a man over missing cash.

Fatima was arrested after helping her brother brutally extort a 28-year-old man in September 2023 at her home on Waratah Ave, Casula. Picture: Google Maps
Fatima was arrested after helping her brother brutally extort a 28-year-old man in September 2023 at her home on Waratah Ave, Casula. Picture: Google Maps

A mother of eight has been jailed for her role in a brutal extortion where she aided her brother’s humiliating shake down of a man over missing cash.

Fatima Barghachoun, 40, appeared via video link in Campbelltown Local Court earlier this month where she pleaded guilty to demanding property with menace in company with her 29-year-old brother.

The court heard the ice-addled mother demanded the victim “give him (her brother Ghassan Barghachoun) his f--king money” while her brother threatened to break his legs with a baseball bat in her house in Casula in July 2023.

The court saw shocking footage taken by Ghassan where the victim was forced to kiss his feet, lying face down begging, and repeating demeaning phrases including “I’m a bitch”.

Court documents state the victim was counting a stack of cash belonging to Ghassan in the living room while encircled by at least four men. Ghassan then retrieved a bat from the bedroom and hit him claiming he had stolen money.

The video captured parts of the altercation with the victim seen cowering as Ghassan and Fatima Barghachoun berated him.

“I will break your legs, you’re f--ked now cuz, you think I am f--king around hey,” Ghassan said.

The victim pleaded with the offenders and Fatima responded “Give him his f--king money and he will leave you alone”.

The victim bargained to “go make” the $1000 Ghassan demanded, before Ghassan swung a bat and narrowly missed him. Ghassan ordered Fatima to take the victim’s watch as well as his phone and reset it.

Court documents state the victim’s face and hands were duct taped before another man arrived with a tomahawk axe and hurled it at him several times without hitting him.

The victim was swung at with a tomahawk axe while he had his face and hands duct taped by the offenders.
The victim was swung at with a tomahawk axe while he had his face and hands duct taped by the offenders.

The victim’s screams were muffled by the duct tape as Ghassan took him to the bedroom along with four others, while Fatima stood in the hallway.

Fatima was arrested at her home on Waratah Ave, Casula, on September 21, 2023, and taken to Liverpool police station.

Court documents state Fatima admitted to her involvement, but claimed she wasn’t aware of the plan prior to them coming to her house.

“I have no involvement whatsoever other than trying to rush the process so he could get out of the house,” she told police.

Defence lawyer Carl Minnett told the court his client was not in a position to refuse her brother and his friends, arguing her role was “extremely limited”.

Magistrate Peter Thompson accepted Fatima’s comparatively limited role, but said she actively participated in the “demeaning and demoralising” incident.

Mr Thompson also acknowledged Fatima’s ice addiction, but found her record disentitled her from any leniency and said there was “no alternative” but full-time imprisonment, sentencing her to two years behind bars.

Campbelltown court generic image on July 10 2024. Picture: Dylan Arvela
Campbelltown court generic image on July 10 2024. Picture: Dylan Arvela

With time already served Fatima will be eligible for parole in September, with the full sentence expiring September, 2025.

Ghassan previously pleaded guilty to robbery in company and demanding property in company with menaces, and will be sentenced at Parramatta District Court later this year.

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