Labor’s rent check move a ‘disappointing distraction’
A new move from the NSW government aimed at helping renters find a place they can afford falls short of the mark.
A new move from the NSW government aimed at helping renters find a place they can afford falls short of the mark.
There were huge swings in momentum, a crucial rain delay and a collapse for the ages of the under-19s country championship was decided in a thriller.
You know spring is here when you have to hold a stick above your head and run from a swooping magpie. With swooping season well underway, we reveal the suburbs with the highest number of magpie swoops and attacks.
New data has revealed the average age people are dying in every suburb across NSW, as well as shocking divides where residents are dying far too young. Search your suburb here.
Under pressure police districts are grappling with a spike in the number of officers on extended sick leave, as new figures reveal a huge number of cops out on worker’s compensation claims.
NSW Police have coughed up millions in your taxpayer cash to pay out civil claims made against frontline cops over assaults, malicious prosecution and intimidation cases. See the cash figure here.
Prices for a dental check-up can vary by hundreds of dollars depending on where you go. A new report reveals where to find the cheapest dentists in your area. Search and see the list.
Thousands of teens at risk of leaving the classroom for apprenticeships have signed up to a booming program which will see them get a Certificate Three degree alongside their HSC.
A shocking number of ghost homes are sitting “inactive” as the state is crippled by a housing crisis. With more than 22,000 vacant houses in Sydney alone, we reveal how many empty dwellings are in every community across the state.
The state’s “cutthroat” rental housing market is slicing up household budgets – with shock new data the uncovering number of families relying on government rental assistance. See the stats.
A Lake Macquarie home has set a new price record after selling for almost $4m.
A massive 100 schools across NSW have more than 1000 students enrolled, as a single community in Sydney’s north sees four schools exceeding 2000 students. See how your school ranks here.
It showcases some of the most outstanding and exemplary artworks across NSW by HSC visual arts students. Meet the students and see their amazing works.
There were clutch moments, playmaking masterclasses and a comeback for the ages. Find out who won through to the grand final in the Andrew Johns and Laurie Daley Cup.
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