
William Carberry charged with sexually touching students at Oak Flats High School

A Lake Illawarra teacher is facing multiple allegations of groping students after another child made a report to police, a court has heard.

William Robert Carberry, 56, has been charged with five counts of intentionally sexually touching a child aged between 10 and 16.
William Robert Carberry, 56, has been charged with five counts of intentionally sexually touching a child aged between 10 and 16.

A Lake Illawarra teacher is facing multiple allegations of groping students after another child made a report to police, a court has heard.

William Robert Carberry, 56, has been charged with five counts of intentionally sexually touching a child aged between 10 and 16.

Carberry’s case was briefly mentioned in Wollongong Local Court on Wednesday where the court heard another allegation had been laid against him relating to a third child.

Police will allege Carberry sexually touched three male students at Oak Flats High School this year.

The Calderwood man was arrested on March 7 and was granted bail the next day after appearing in Nowra Local Court.

As part of his bail conditions, Carberry must live at his home, cannot go within 100m of Oak Flats High School and cannot enter any preschool, school or other place where children go for learning.

Carberry must report to police three times a week, cannot contact the students nor approach or be in contact with any child under the age of 16 unless in the company of an adult.

Carberry is prohibited from being involved in any child-related employment in a paid or voluntary capacity nor can he seek or undertake social activities that will bring him into contact with a child aged under 18.

There was also a bail condition requiring Carberry to surrender any firearms.

The case was adjourned to May 22 for further mention at Wollongong Local Court and Carberry is excused from attending if legally represented.

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