
Council refuses North Rocks Village development again

A developer proposing more than 1000 homes on a former charity site hoped to bypass a western Sydney council but has faced another setback. Find out why.

North Rocks Village is back on the council agenda.
North Rocks Village is back on the council agenda.

Plans for North Rocks Village, where 1080 homes are earmarked for the former Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children site, have been rejected again.

The project reached a stalemate in October after developer EG Funds Management failed to reach an agreement with Parramatta Council.

Now EG wants the rezoning to be taken out of the council’s hands and has lodged a review with the Planning Department after it felt “forced” into that position.

It has expressed frustrations over the council’s refusal to rezone the land at North Rocks Rd from R2 low density to part R3, and R4, which means building heights could leap from three to seven storeys.

But that plan hit another setback on Monday when the council unanimously refused the project once again.

Residents addressed the meeting urging the council to reject the planning proposal.

Declan Murphy, who moved to North Rocks more than 50 years ago, opposed it for being inconsistent with the suburb’s character.

The village would include a library and childcare centre.
The village would include a library and childcare centre.

“There are no tower blocks nor the infrastructure required,’’ he said.

He said the lack of public transport was a problem, with no heavy rail or mass transit.

“Bus services are sporadic. The traffic lights will need to be reconfigured, causing more bank-ups for cars and trucks accessing or exiting the shops or using busy Barclay Rd,’’ Mr Murphy said.

“There is already a problem of cars doing rat runs along North Rocks Rd to avoid the existing traffic lights and the lights at the Barclay Rd intersection, and the lights at the northern end of the Lawndale Ave intersection.’’

Sharon Stewart expressed concerns the project would be detrimental to the environment.

“Residents of North Rocks live in a peaceful, leafy tree-lined suburb of spotted gum and blackbutt trees,’’ she said.

The community is not welcoming the apartments at North Rocks Village.
The community is not welcoming the apartments at North Rocks Village.

“There are approximately 127 different types of bird species that breed in the local reserves.”

Parramatta independent councillor Georgina Valjak presented a petition of more than 600 signatures opposing multi-storey units.

“This is completely incompatible in bulk and scale with the surrounding R2 character of the suburb,” she said.

“In actual fact, of the 1080 dwellings, a whopping 64 per cent would be apartments.

“Now, this is not the case of residents being NIMBYs. We spoke with many long-term residents who would love the opportunity to downsize and stay in the area and those seeking affordable housing — and we would be supportive of a development that fits in with the character of the local area.”

Ultimately, the state government will determine the project, not the council.

The development would also feature six parks, a library and a community hall between four and six storeys, and 700sq m for offices, a childcare centre, a general shop and a medical centre.

It would be built on the site once occupied by the RIDBC, which is relocating to Macquarie University.

The homes will comprise 690 units, 236 townhouses and nine detached dwellings, an aged care centre with 60 to 80 beds, and 145 independent living units.

After the meeting, EG defended its plans.

“We understood from early and ongoing engagement, as well as written advice from council, that there was support for our proposed renewal,” EG executive chairman Michael Easson said.

“However, that has recently changed.”

“What we‘re proposing is very much in keeping with a contemporary village environment for North Rocks.

“It will become a place for local sport and community events such as markets and fetes – a genuine civic heart.”

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