
A five-year-old with cerebral palsy takes her first steps towards her dream

Fighting back after a hip operation, a community is rallying around this Hills youngster who dreams of walking

Avalon Jade, of Galston. Pictures: Supplied
Avalon Jade, of Galston. Pictures: Supplied

A GALSTON youngster is fighting to find her feet after years of complex medical problems.

Five-year-old Avalon Jade Chambers is known for her big personality in school, despite her diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy spastic diplegia.

The condition affects one arm and both legs and, along with a disorder called dystonia affecting her balance, meaning she cannot walk.

Five-year-old Avalon Jade has a big personality and an even bigger smile.
Five-year-old Avalon Jade has a big personality and an even bigger smile.

But, the youngster’s devoted parents Lachlan and Kristie are determined to make their little girl’s life as normal as possible.

In 2013 they discovered the NAPA Center in Los Angeles which specialises in intensive therapy.

Her mother, Kristie said three weeks of therapy at NAPA is the equivalent to twelve months of traditional therapy.

“We raised the $30,000 it would cost to travel to Los Angeles, and in March 2014 Avalon completed a three-week Intensive Model of Therapy (IMOT) with outstanding results,” she said.

But two years ago, Avalon, had to undergo surgery to correct her hip placement, which put her dream of walking on hold.

However, her dreams have been now been given a boost thanks to a NAPA centre opening in Sydney, dramatically reducing the cost of the therapy.

Kristie said: “At the moment Avalon is utilising a motorised wheelchair, but with the help of intensive therapy through the NAPA Centre in Sydney, she will be able to move around more independently in the future.

“Her therapy costs around $45,000 annually, which is why we fundraise to help with the enormous costs. Who can put a dollar value on your only child being able to walk and have an easier life?”

In September last year, the youngster took her first independent step.

Her mum said there is no telling how long it could take until Avalon is walking.

“She is your typical five-year-old and she has a big personality,” she said.

“She was devastated to not be walking back into school this year, but we know she can do it — it’s just a matter of building up her strength.”

What: A night of stand-up comedy

Where: Galston Club

When: Saturday, March 11. Doors open at 6.30pm and the show starts at 8pm

Cost: $35, adults only

Details: 9653 2017


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