
Enter the 2016 Premier’s Reading Challenge ‘Words and Art’ Competition - entries close July 29

NSW Students from Kindergarten to Year 9, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to participate in the WORDS AND ART competition in their respective categories.

L to R: Andre Ferreira -11 , Gracie Lynch -11 and Gian from Tower street Public school , Panania. Launch of the Premier's Reading Challenge. Picture: John Appleyard
L to R: Andre Ferreira -11 , Gracie Lynch -11 and Gian from Tower street Public school , Panania. Launch of the Premier's Reading Challenge. Picture: John Appleyard

Win an author visit for your school.

NSW Students from Kindergarten to Year 9, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to participate in the WORDS AND ART competition in their respective categories.

The Categories are:

•Kindergarten - Year 2: Words and Art

•Years 3 - 6: Words and Art

•Years 7 - 9: Words or Video

Entries may be from individual students or, alternatively, from groups of students from a school.

The winners from each category will win a special visit by one of our three Australian authors to their school:

Belinda Murrell - Years K - 2

Kate and Jol Temple - Years 3 - 6

Christopher Richardson - Years 7 - 9

Entries will be based on a chosen book from the official 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Book List, in any one of the following three categories:

Kindergarten – Year 2: Words and Art

Students in Kindergarten to Year 2, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to create an artwork (drawing, painting, illustration, graphic interpretation etc) depicting their favourite book chosen from the 2016 Book List. The artwork must be accompanied by 25 words or less detailing why they have chosen this book.

Years 3 - 6: Words and Art

Students in Years 3 - 6, who are who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to create an artwork (drawing, painting, illustration, graphic interpretation etc) that could be used as a book jacket or poster for a book chosen from the 2016 Book List. The artwork must be accompanied by 100 words or less, or a short video (not more than one minute in length), detailing why they have chosen this book.

Years 7 - 9: Words or Video

Students in Years 7 - 9, who are who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to adapt a chapter of a book chosen from the 2016 Book List, into a short play of 500 words or less or a video of up to two (2) minutes in length, representing the chosen chapter.

Entries may only be submitted through the official entry form below. Terms and Conditions of the competition are available underneath the entry form.



Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Entry into the promotion is deemed acceptance of these conditions of entry. Entry is via the official “Words and Art Competition” entry form only available on the website: The Promoter accepts no responsibility for errors on the website, and any unavailability of the Website.

The competition:

Students from Kindergarten to Year 9, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to participate in the competition in their respective categories.

The Categories are:

Kindergarten - Year 2: Words and Artwork

Years 3 - 6: Words and Artwork

Years 7 - 9: Words or Video

Entries may be from individual students or, alternatively, from groups of students from a school.

The winners in each category will win a special visit by one of our three Australian authors to their school;

Belinda Murrell - Kindergarten to Year 2; Kate & Jol Temple - Years 3 to 6; Christopher Richardson - Years 7 to 9.

How to Enter:

1. Entries must be based on a chosen book from the official 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Booklists, in any one of the following three categories:

I.Kindergarten - Year 2: Words and Artwork

Students in Kindergarten to Year 2, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to create an artwork (drawing, painting, illustration, graphic interpretation etc) depicting their favourite book chosen from the 2016 Booklists. The artwork must be accompanied by 25 words or less detailing why they have chosen this book.

II.Years 3 - 6: Words and Artwork

Students in Years 3 - 6, who are who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to create an artwork (drawing, painting, illustration, graphic interpretation etc) that could be used as a book jacket or poster for a book chosen from the 2016 Booklists. The artwork must be accompanied by 100 words or less, or a short video (not more than one minute in length), detailing why they have chosen this book.

III.Years 7 - 9: Words or Video

Students in Years 7 - 9, who are who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, are invited to adapt a chapter of a book chosen from the 2016 Booklists, into a short play of 500 words or less or a video of up to two (2) minutes in length, representing the chosen chapter.

2. Each entry must be submitted through the website

3. To enter go to and complete all the relevant fields in the entry form, including student’s full name, school, postal address, email address and contact telephone number.

4. Ensure that the school’s principal has signed off the entry before submitting

5. Select the appropriate category, upload the file and press send.

6. Please note only one file can be uploaded per entry.

7. Files can be .doc, .docx, .txt, .avi, .mp4, .jpg, .gif, .png, pdf no larger than 25MB.

8. Videos can also be submitted via YouTube by placing the link in the requested field on the entry form.

Please ensure the following restrictions are complied with:

The video must:

•Reside in the student’s YouTube account and comply with “YouTube Community Guidelines” set forth at and Terms of Service

•Not be marked “private” or “taken down” during the competition period

•Be appropriate to the theme of the competition

•Be the property of the entrant

•Be no more than two (2) minutes in length

As a condition of entering this competition, an entrant consents to the Promoter using the entry in print, online and social media promotions by NewsLocal and the NSW Department of Education. Entrants should be aware that, when information is published on public websites and social media channels, it can be discoverable online for a number of years, and may be linked to by third parties.

Promotion of an entry during the course of the Competition will not constitute any suggestion that the entry shared is a finalist in the Competition. The entrant agrees that, in the event they are a winner, their name, likeness, image and/or voice may be used and they will, by mutual agreement with the student and their school, participate in reasonable promotional activities in relation to the competition as requested by the Promoter and its agents.

9. Entries open 9am Monday June 13, 2016 and close 5pm Friday, July 29, 2016.

10. Entrants are required to take full responsibility for the content of their entry and for ensuring that their entry complies with these Conditions of Entry. For the purposes of these content requirements, “entry content” includes any content (including text, photos, videos and email messages) that entrants submit, upload, transmit, publish, communicate or use in connection with their entry into the Promotion. Entries must be the entrant’s original work. The Promoter reserves the right to verify, or to require the entrant to verify, that the entry is the entrant’s original work. If an entry cannot be verified to the Promoter’s satisfaction, the entry will be deemed invalid. The Promoter may, in its absolute discretion, edit, modify, delete, remove or take-down any part of an entrant’s entry. An entrant’s entry must not include:

(a) any image or voice of any other person without that person’s express consent. Entrants warrant that if any such content is included, they have obtained the express consent of the relevant person;

(b) any content that contravenes any law, infringes the rights of any person or is potentially insulting, inflammatory, defamatory, obscene, offensive, discriminatory, indecent or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate (which includes, without limitation, any content involving nudity, malice, excessive violence or swearing); and

(c) any literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, any audio-visual or sound recording, or any other item in which copyright subsists, unless the entrant is entitled to do so. If an entrant has any doubts about whether they have the right to include any content (for example, recorded music) they must not include it. By including any such content in their entry, the entrant warrants that they have the permission of the relevant copyright owner to do so and that this permission allows the Promoter to use the entry in accordance with these Conditions of Entry.

11. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify a winner if the Promoter becomes aware that the winner and/or the winner’s entry is of a type described in this clause.

Any entry that is made on behalf of an entrant by a third party will be invalid, unless the entrant requires the assistance of a third party to enter due to a disability.

The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who tampers with the entry process, who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms & Conditions of Entry or who has, in the opinion of Promoter, engaged in conduct in entering the Promotion which is fraudulent, misleading, deceptive or generally damaging to the goodwill or reputation of the Promotion and/or Promoter. This includes, but is not limited to, entrants and households using multiple email addresses, postal addresses, PO Box addresses or SIM cards to register single or multiple purchases.

12. Number of Entries permitted:

Entrants may enter as many times as they like but only one file may be uploaded per entry.

13. Eligible entries:

Only work submitted by NSW students in Kindergarten to Year 9, who are registered for the 2016 NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge, is eligible to be submitted for judging in this competition.

14. Judging:

Criteria: Each entry will be assessed by our panel of judges and awarded on creativity, relevance to the overall subject, knowledge of the chosen book; themes examined in the work and featured characters.

All entries become the property of the Promoter (with the exception of any intellectual property rights comprised therein). The Promoter collects personal information about entrants for the purposes of conducting this promotion but no further use of this information will be made without prior consent.

A selection of entries will be chosen to be viewed on the NewsLocal website and on NSW Department of Education social media channels throughout the competition period, and all winning entries will be published in the NewsLocal community newspapers, NSW Department of Education social media channels and/or online in the week commencing August 20, 2016.

15. Prizes:

The Author, relevant to each category, will visit the winning school during Book Week* August 20 – 26, 2016, (*or on a mutually agreed date prior to the end of Term 3), to read/lead discussion on a book from the 2016 PRC Booklists.

Authors: Belinda Murrell - K to Year 2; Kate & Jol Temple - Years 3 to 6; Christopher Richardson - Years 7 to 9.

There will be five finalists selected in each category. From the five finalists, one overall winner will be chosen for each category.

Each finalist will receive a finalist’s certificate. There will be 15 finalists chosen in total.

Each winner will receive a winner’s certificate and their school will receive a visit from the nominated author for their category. There will be three overall winners chosen in total.

16. Further Terms and Conditions

Subject to complying with all relevant State and Territory legislation, the Promoter reserves the right to amend, cancel or suspend this competition if an event beyond the control of the Promoter corrupts or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the competition. The Promoter will disqualify any individual who has tampered with the entry process or any other aspect of this competition.

The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies assume no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to, or alteration of entries, and reserves the right to take any action that may be available.

If for any reason this competition is not capable of running as planned, including due to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any causes beyond the control of the Promoter, which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness or integrity or proper conduct of this promotion, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, take any action that may be available, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the competition, subject to any direction given under State Regulation.

Entrants are responsible for any cost associated with accessing the promotional website. Access to that site is dependent on the Internet service provider.

17. The Promoter is: Nationwide News Pty. Limited ACN 008 438 828 trading as NewsLocal, 2 Holt Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2150.

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