

David Paton: Releases book on how to navigate life with a brain injury

A Central West author who has learned how to navigate life through a brain injury has released a book to guide others through life’s unplanned obstacles. Read his story below.

A Central West man who was involved in a horrific car crash more than two decades ago sustaining a brain injury, has released a book on how to reclaim identify after life’s challenges.

In an aim to inspire others, author David Paton recalls his “survival” after a severe car crash in 2001 when he was in Year 12, where he sustained a brain injury requiring him to learn basic mobility functions again.

“I have learned how to eat, stand, walk and abilities required for complex activities, such as planning and organising or even studying at a university level,” Mr Paton told The Dubbo News.

“Over the many months that followed, therapists and my parents helped me with those therapies to improve my mind and body - I was slowly able to relearn and regain skills and abilities.

David Paton after his crash in 2001.
David Paton after his crash in 2001.

“What really stands out for me is the massive investment that my parents poured into my life in helping me recover.”

Now the father of two 13-year-old twins has released a book called Reclaiming Life after Brain Injury: How to follow your dreams even when life is hard, to share with others about each challenge he turned into an opportunity.

He said the book aims to restore hope and guidance for other people who are also trying to overcome obstacles of their own injuries.

Author David Paton.
Author David Paton.

“It is also a story of hope, that through persistence and trying, you may be able to improve in any circumstances more than professionals have predicted,” he said.

“I’ve also included methods that I use to overcome various challenges I was faced with in my recovery.

“This was done to give ideas to carers of other brain injured people that are encountering similar issues.

“Even if you don’t have a brain-injured loved one, my story is written in such a way that anyone can be inspired by reading it.”

Reflecting on his achievements, Mr Paton graduated both TAFE and university, completing a Bachelor of Business Studies, working part-time at Anglicare in Orange and being a husband and father.

“We all need hope at times in our lives, so everyone could benefit from the hope that my book delivers,” Mr Paton said.

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