
Courtney Monaghan sentenced for hitting ex, his new partner

A “well-respected young lady” and Dubbo mum whacked her ex partner and his new girlfriend when they showed up together at her house to pick up his belongings.

Courtney Monaghan has been spared a conviction after she faced court, charged with assaulting her ex boyfriend and his new partner. Picture: Facebook
Courtney Monaghan has been spared a conviction after she faced court, charged with assaulting her ex boyfriend and his new partner. Picture: Facebook

A 23-year-old Dubbo woman described as a “well respected young lady” by a magistrate has avoided a conviction for assaulting her ex boyfriend and his new partner.

Courtney Monaghan was in a relationship with the man for about four years and after they split he arrived at her house on August 23 to pick up belongings with his new partner in the car.

After Monaghan and her ex partner started arguing, she leant into a car and punched the new partner.

When Monaghan’s ex tried to remove her, she clenched her fist and hit him in the eye.

Courtney Monaghan pleaded guilty to two counts of assault. Picture: Facebook
Courtney Monaghan pleaded guilty to two counts of assault. Picture: Facebook

As the new lovers tried to leave, Monaghan banged on the car window and said “I am going to get you”.

Monaghan was charged by police and pleaded guilty to two counts of assault.

Dubbo Local Court magistrate Gary Wilson said Monaghan was a “well respected young lady” and he accepted her behaviour amounted to a spontaneous loss of self-control.

“It wasn’t a good move coming with the new girl to pick up his gear,” Magistrate Wilson said.

“You can’t go jobbing people. You’ve got no criminal record, let’s keep it that way.”

Monaghan was not convicted of the assaults and ordered to be of good behaviour for six months.

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