
The trends to leave in 2015 and yes that includes Tella shakes, Kylie Jenner lips and selfie sticks

Want to start fresh in 2016? Get rid of those hipster beards, selfie sticks, pant skirts and while we are at it — Kylie Jenner lips.

We know, we know, fruit-themed clothing is just so much fun! But for fashion’s sake, say goodbye to pineapple prints in 2016. Picture: Supplied
We know, we know, fruit-themed clothing is just so much fun! But for fashion’s sake, say goodbye to pineapple prints in 2016. Picture: Supplied

It’s that time of year again, when we plan to become fit, healthy, happy and well-dressed in 2016 while ridding ourselves of the cobwebs of 2015.

So, what should we shake off in the new year? This handy list will help you sort out the jewels from the junk.

1. Beards. Number one on the throw out list (and the only item in this list ordered in terms of importance), the beard is well and truly past its use by date. In fact, we predicted the demise of excessive male facial hair in 2014, which means that now it really has to go.

Men, if Brad Pitt can’t pull off a bush of chin hair, nor can you.

Stray breadcrumbs are not attractive and the threat of pash rash won’t win you any points. And while we’re at it, the man bun is fast becoming a cliche so best get a chop before you become a relic of hot things past.

The hipster beard has well and truly had its day. Not acceptable in 2016. Picture: Supplied
The hipster beard has well and truly had its day. Not acceptable in 2016. Picture: Supplied

2. Fruit-themed clothing and accessories. Pineapples are delicious — sweet, tangy and refreshing — but their reign over women’s clothing has come to an end.

That singlet top adorned with hyper-coloured pineapples? Throw it away.

Similarly, chuck out the hat, earrings, necklace, underwear, bed cushion and pyjamas. Watermelon is also a goner, which begs the question, what is ripe for 2016?

We know, we know, fruit-themed clothing is just so much fun! But for fashion’s sake, say goodbye to pineapple prints in 2016. Picture: Supplied
We know, we know, fruit-themed clothing is just so much fun! But for fashion’s sake, say goodbye to pineapple prints in 2016. Picture: Supplied

3. Heart-clogging milkshakes and other artery-blowing beverages. Canberra cafe Patissez made international news in July when its four variations of ‘freakshake’ (adorned with brownie, puff pastry, nuts and pretzels) sent social media into overdrive. Sydney’s answer was the Tella ball shake, a Nutella-flavoured milkshake topped with a Nutella-filled doughnut from Erskinveille’s Foodcraft espresso.

Then we discovered Blood Mary’s, a Darlinghurst bar that served a ‘Bloody Hell’ cocktail garnished with a prawn, a slider and a buffalo wing.

The market has been saturated, we’ve all felt sick and now’s the time to go back to drinking (and eating) like civilised people.

Give us a tea and bickie and we’ll be right.

Foodcraft Espresso’s Tella ball shakes were sweet while they lasted. Picture: Craig Wilson
Foodcraft Espresso’s Tella ball shakes were sweet while they lasted. Picture: Craig Wilson

4. Adult colouring books. First they were niche, now they’re piling up on Christmas bargain gift tables. Adult colouring books arrived with a bang in 2015, promising everything from a few hours of fun to ultimate relaxation and even therapy for our poor, overworked minds.

Now that we’ve realised colouring in engages the adult brain for about 30 seconds, we’re waiting for a new trend to save us from our screens at night.

Crochet and knitting have had their day, as have terrariums, so it’s anyone’s guess as to what could be next.

5. Kylie Jenner lips. The youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan’s luscious lips sparked a social media movement that ended in upset for many teens.

The #kyliejennerchallenge saw young people using empty drink bottles and glasses as suction devices to make their lips super plump, most of which ended in bruising and swelling.

For the sake of 2016, let’s all acknowledge there’s nothing sexy about a trout pout — normal lips will do just fine.

Kylie Jenner lips? Leave them in 2015 ... Picture: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP
Kylie Jenner lips? Leave them in 2015 ... Picture: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

6. Protein powder. When you hear of someone trying to fry protein powder and water in a pan in the hope that it will make something edible (true story), you know it’s time to pull the plug. For most people protein supplements — such as shakes — are simply unnecessary.

They can contain more than a regular serve of protein and are often higher in calories. It’s easier, healthier and cheaper to consume protein via — wait for it — real food.

The recommended daily intake for an average male is 65g, which equates to a 100g steak, a couple of eggs and a 200g tub of yoghurt. For women, the RDI is 50g.

Goal for 2016? Pull the plug on powder.

Protein shakes are so 2015. Spice it up a bit in the coming year by splashing out on some eggs. Picture: Supplied
Protein shakes are so 2015. Spice it up a bit in the coming year by splashing out on some eggs. Picture: Supplied

7. Minion memes. Minions are cute and adorable and hilarious and silly.

They have funny mouths and funny teeth, are all out of proportion and are particularly entertaining when juxtaposed with a workplace or sex-themed quote.

In 2015, it seemed no minion meme was too much but now we’ve all had our fair share and those little yellow men just don’t provide the hit we need.

Minions were THE meme of 2015. Let 2016 bring us something new ... and cute.
Minions were THE meme of 2015. Let 2016 bring us something new ... and cute.

8. Fad diets. After yet another fad diet-filled year, it seems apt to remind everyone that moderation is key.

Eating a paleo diet will not solve all your problems and nor will: hot water and lemon, coffee mixed with butter, kombucha, coconut water, things that are green and blended, sprouted things, or anything sugar free (and therefore loaded with fat), anything fat free (and therefore loaded with sugar).

Ask any practising dietitian and they’ll tell you to eat a good mix of wholegrain carbs, lean protein and vegetables.

Watch portion sizes, enjoy the occasional indulgence and steer clear of quick fixes.

Newsflash: guzzling green juice won’t fix your life. Picture: Supplied
Newsflash: guzzling green juice won’t fix your life. Picture: Supplied

9. Dresses/skirts over pants. In a fleeting moment of insanity, someone in the fashion set decided it was acceptable to bring back this early naughties fashion trend and then told Justin Bieber it was a good idea.

Women (and men), when you wake up in the morning, make a choice: pants OR skirt? Never both — not in any situation.

Skirt or pants? Use 2016 as a new chance to make a choice. Both at once is not acceptable. Picture: Supplied
Skirt or pants? Use 2016 as a new chance to make a choice. Both at once is not acceptable. Picture: Supplied

10. Sugar-coated Instagram/Tumblr/Facebook/Twitter accounts. Whether it was genuine or just a cry for attention, Australian Instagram darling Essena O’Neil’s ‘coming out’ signified an important shift in social media posts.

The 18-year-old blogger made headlines when she deleted most of her Instagram photographs and re-captioned others, coming clear about the honorous hours she spent perfecting herself for the camera.

Essena’s move also sparked discussion about paid but undeclared advertising on social media. It’s high time we take Essena’s lead, stop pretending we all live a magazine-ready lifestyle and admit that it’s OK to have an ordinary day.

And while we’re at it, stop with the selfie sticks. Please.

Let Essena O'Neill’s ‘coming out’ on Instagram herald more real life representations on social media. Picture: Instagram
Let Essena O'Neill’s ‘coming out’ on Instagram herald more real life representations on social media. Picture: Instagram

11. Cat videos. Come to think of it, no, cat videos aren’t going anywhere. Watching little moggies do ridiculously cute/naughty/weird things has been statistically and clinically proven to be good for our emotional wellbeing. So, cat lovers, keep watching. #catvids4eva.

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