

‘Playboy rapist’ Simon Monteiro’s sensational outburst when jailed for breaching supervision orders

Simon Monteiro, the man dubbed the ‘Playboy rapist’, sacked his barrister on the spot and vowed to appeal his “outrageous” jail term in dramatic scenes at his sentencing.

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True to his “narcissistic”, remorseless and “grandiose sense of his own importance” Simon Monteiro — the man dubbed the `Playboy rapist’ — talked over a District Court Judge before sacking his barrister and vowing to appeal his sentence when he was jailed for breaching supervision orders.

It came amid revelations Monteiro had breached his supervision orders by using Facebook to search for at least one female Corrective Services officer and registering with dating websites Plenty of Fish and Matchmaker.

The 54-year-old from Somersby appeared via video link at Gosford District Court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to five counts of breaching a Supreme Court extended supervision order and three counts of breaching an interim supervision order.

Simon Monteiro at Gosford Court House during an earlier appearance for an unrelated matter. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)
Simon Monteiro at Gosford Court House during an earlier appearance for an unrelated matter. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)

Other than acknowledging he could see and hear the court, Monteiro said nothing for nearly two hours as Judge Tanya Bright gave her remarks on sentence.

His demeanour changed, however, when Her Honour gave him a total aggregate sentence of two years and eight months jail, which he quickly sought to clarify.

Judge Bright had to tell him “I’m not finished” before confirming a non-parole period of two years.

With time already served since his arrest on August 18, 2020, he will be eligible for parole on August 17, 2022.

Monteiro demanded the Judge send him a published copy of her judgment “straight away”.

She informed him the Judgement would not be published immediately but he could get a copy in due course from his legal representatives.

But Monteiro cut his barrister Anita Betts off before she could talk, telling the court “that will be me, Miss Betts you are fired”.

“I’m going to appeal this in the Supreme Court,” Monteiro said.

“This sentence is outrageous.”

Former male model Simon Monteiro in his younger years. Picture: file.
Former male model Simon Monteiro in his younger years. Picture: file.

The court heard Monteiro had a lengthy criminal record and was sentenced to 12 years and three months jail in 2009 for aggravated sexual assault, destroying property and larceny.

The sentence was due to expire on April 7, 2020, with the Supreme Court granting an interim supervision order four days earlier on April 3.

The Supreme Court then granted an extended supervision order on July 7, 2020, for a period of five years.

Conditions of the order were that Monteiro only use his real name, that he only have one mobile phone and to inform his Corrective Services officer of the IP address and serial numbers of any devices he uses to connect to the internet along with any phone numbers or email addresses, login details and passwords.

He was also ordered not to use any form of social media or dating websites after two psychological reports, tendered to court, found he had a narcissistic disorder, was unremorseful and had an arrogant, psychotic “grandiose sense of his own importance”.

Monteiro has had a bizarre relationship with the media, often turning up to court with his own camera. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)
Monteiro has had a bizarre relationship with the media, often turning up to court with his own camera. (AAP Image/Sue Graham)

The reports concluded he was a high risk of reoffending and most likely against an intimate partner, should he develop a relationship, both violently and sexually.

The court heard days after his sentence expired, and after the interim supervision order was granted, Monteiro signed an acknowledgment of his conditions using the name Simon Lowe.

The court further heard Monteiro told his supervising officer he got rid of all of his devices and was just using a cheap Nokia phone.

Monteiro in his younger years.
Monteiro in his younger years.

However after his arrest police seized an iPhone, a Huawei phone, Macbook computer, a HP laptop and several hard drives.

Analysis of the devices revealed Monteiro had four social media accounts on various apps, was using six different email addresses and 10 aliases.

On one of his Facebook accounts under the name Shaun White, Monteiro had conducted 80 searches including for the profile of one female Corrective Services officer.

Judge Bright said Corrective Services’s ability to supervise him was “significantly nullified” by his access to multiple devices, email addresses and names.

Monteiro did not wait until his matter was finalised before asking to be excused and storming out of the video suite.

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