

New scaled-back planning proposal for unit block development at 310 Terrigal Drive

Plans to “uplift” an odd, triangular-shaped vacant block into a “gateway” development to the Central Coast’s largest beachside CBD have inched forward after a scathing initial assessment.

The corner block at 310 Terrigal Drive and Charles Kay Drive is subject to a planning proposal to change the location's specific zoning laws to allow a 25m tall unit block. Picture: artist's impression (supplied).
The corner block at 310 Terrigal Drive and Charles Kay Drive is subject to a planning proposal to change the location's specific zoning laws to allow a 25m tall unit block. Picture: artist's impression (supplied).

A new planning proposal would see a 50-unit, nine-storey apartment block on the corner of Charles Kay Drive and Terrigal Drive reduced to six storeys and include shops along with a cafe on the ground floor.

The vacant 4,262sq m block was purchased by Loftus Lane Capital Partners for $2.1m in August 2021.

It set about lodging a development application (DA) for a $21.7m nine-storey unit block.

However the DA was so far removed from what’s usually allowed on the site’s low-density residential zoning it also had to simultaneously lodge a planning proposal to get the state government’s special permission.

The planning proposal sought approval for site-specific changes to the zoning laws under what is known as a development control plan (DCP) to allow a unit block up to 32m tall.

The triangular block on the corner of Terrigal Drive and Charles Kay Drive, Terrigal. Picture: supplied
The triangular block on the corner of Terrigal Drive and Charles Kay Drive, Terrigal. Picture: supplied

The planning proposal went before the Local Planning Panel to seek its feedback before it was submitted to the state government for a “Gateway Determination”.

However the planning panel was scathing in its review, stating the concept had neither “strategic or site specific merit”.

An artist’s impression of the building which the proponent says would blend into the existing tree canopy but the planning panel said would stick out. Picture: supplied
An artist’s impression of the building which the proponent says would blend into the existing tree canopy but the planning panel said would stick out. Picture: supplied

The panel stated there was a lack of justification for the height or density of the building, it was not part of any wider strategic plan for the immediate area and would stick out among the surrounding one and two-storey homes.

The planing panel also stated the location at 310 Terrigal Drive was “not considered a gateway site to Terrigal”.

On the back of the criticism, Loftus Lane withdrew the DA and set about revising the planning proposal which goes back to Central Coast Council’s meeting tomorrow.

The new proposal seeks to scale back the building from nine storeys to six — from 32m down to 25m — and include retail outlets on the ground floor rather than just a single cafe.

The report to council recommends administrator Rik Hart approve the new draft planning proposal and submit it to the Planning Minister for a Gateway Determination.

An artist’s impression of how it would look coming down the hill on Charles Kay Drive past Terrigal High School. Picture: supplied
An artist’s impression of how it would look coming down the hill on Charles Kay Drive past Terrigal High School. Picture: supplied

“The planning proposal seeks to uplift the development potential on the vacant and under-utilised site by increasing the permissible building height, floor space ratio and additional permitted uses, while retaining the existing R1 – General Residential zoning,” the report to council states.

“The planning proposal is considered to have strategic merit as it is strategically located on key transport corridors into Terrigal. The amended provisions will uplift residential development potential, increase housing supply, diversity and choice, while using existing infrastructure services and transport connections in Terrigal.”

If Mr Hart endorses the recommendation, the planning proposal is expected to go on public exhibition some time around June.

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