

Peter Dutton backs royal commission into veteran suicide

New Defence Minister Peter Dutton has given the strongest indication yet that the government will establish a royal commission into veteran suicide.

Save our heroes: Why we need a royal commission into veteran suicides

New Defence Minister Peter Dutton has backed a royal commission into veteran suicide in the clearest indication the government is ready to implement the measure.

The government has faced growing calls to implement a royal commission and on Monday inched closer to establishing one.

Mr Dutton was pressed on whether he supported a royal commission.

“Yes, very much so … I think that‘s important, and there are many within the veterans community that support that,” he said.

“We don’t want to see veterans self-harming, we don’t want to see their families suffering. We want to provide whatever support we can.”

Peter Dutton has come out in support of a royal commission into veteran suicide.
Peter Dutton has come out in support of a royal commission into veteran suicide.

The government has so far resisted a push for a royal commission but has appointed an independent commissioner to look into veteran suicide on an ongoing basis.

Mr Dutton claimed Prime Minister Scott Morrison had been “very clear” in his support for a royal commission.

He said a royal commission would act as a “snapshot in time” but should run concurrently to the ongoing commissioner’s work.

“It’s also important that if there is a suicide in five years’ time, there’s the ability for families to get … a deeper understanding, particularly if there’s some ambiguity around the circumstances or contributing factors,” he said.

But Mr Dutton but would not give a timetable on when the royal commission would be implemented.

Adelaide woman Julie-Ann Finney lost her navy veteran son David to suicide. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Adelaide woman Julie-Ann Finney lost her navy veteran son David to suicide. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

“That will be an issue for the Prime Minister, but it’ll speak to the government’s genuine desire to support our troops, and I think that’s important,” he told Sky News on Monday.

Independent senator Jacqui Lambie, who has led the push for a royal commission – along with Adelaide woman Julie-Ann Finney, who lost her navy veteran son David to suicide – lashed Mr Morrison for dithering as lives were lost.

“How many more does he want on his shoulders right now, this week? Call the bloody royal commission for God’s sake,” Senator Lambie said to Sky News.

“There is nothing stopping you from calling it today. Stop treating us like puppets on a string because we’re sick of losing out bloody mates.

“I want that royal commission, call it today.”

Senator Lambie revealed her relationship with Mr Dutton had been “rock solid” during her time in parliament but said the call had to come from “the big boy himself”, Mr Morrison.

Originally published as Peter Dutton backs royal commission into veteran suicide

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