
Dive into George Christensen’s media career post-parliament

Firebrand former MP George Christensen has thrown his hat in the ring to return to the local council where his political career started but have his views transformed since his first stint in politics? We take a look

“He’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met” Mr Jackson said after knowing George Christensen for 3 months.
“He’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met” Mr Jackson said after knowing George Christensen for 3 months.

George Christensen has thrown his hat in the ring to return to Mackay Regional Council, where his political career started, but have his views transformed since his first stint in politics?

His antics in parliament are well-covered, and don’t need to be rehashed - vehemently opposing vaccines, fighting against Safe Schools, a program designed to foster LGBTQ inclusion for young people and criticism for spending so much of his term in the Philippines, dubbed the so-called “Member for Manila”.

Then there are his views on abortion and the death penalty for child rapists and killers.

But what has Mr Christensen been up to since leaving parliament?

Mr Christensen has also been trying to make it as a media personality, spreading his voice out on new media YouTube, Facebook, Twitter - as well as their “free speech” alternatives, Telegram, Rumble, Gab, Gettr, Parler. There’s also his newsletter, ‘Nation First’, the Eureka Free Press News Website, and Conservative One Podcast.

He’s also appeared on Alex Jones’ podcast — a conspiracy theorist in the US notorious for spreading the lie the Sandy Hook school shootings in the US were a ‘false flag’ attack.

Of course, we make no assertion that George Christensen believes Sandy Hook was staged.

Mr Christensen also offers video calls on his personal website — for $165 you can book a 30 minute call, and for just $220, a 1 hour video chat.

Perhaps we should have paid the money, as despite reaching out to Mr Christensen several times, by email, his campaign team, his campaign media spokesperson, who insisted the questions go through him, and Steve ‘Jacko’ Jackson, he has not answered any of our questions about his time outside of parliament.

Mr Jackson described Mr Christensen as ‘one of the smartest people I’ve ever met’.

When trying to explain Mr Christensen’s positions to gauge how Mr Jackson felt about them, he interjected saying “I’ve done no research” three times.

“I’m not going to do research until I need to,” Mr Jackson said.

“I need to get into this council.”

There is no suggestion that Mr Jackson supports or agrees with the views of Mr Christensen.

Here’s a brief dive into some of Mr Christensen’s writing and words.

Citizen GO

He started working for Spanish not-for-profit organisation Citizen GO in 2023 where his writing has been used to protest Disney’s gay pride events, and a report made to the UN Human Rights council.

The organisation was founded in 2013 and has since advocated against abortion, same sex marriage laws and LGBT+ events.

Mr Christensen’s writing has protested a Disney gay pride event
Mr Christensen’s writing has protested a Disney gay pride event

Mr Christensen is the writer of a campaign carried out through Citizen GO’s petition platform protesting a Disney gay pride event at their California and Paris parks.

The petition was directed to Bob Iger and specifically protested the “ideological indoctrination of children”.

These events were separately ticketed night time celebrations that ran from 9pm to 1am.

Mr Christensen wrote “our primary concern is for the children”.

The event was not organised for children, but was considered appropriate for kids 3 years and older.

We asked Mr Christensen if, as a potential member of council, he would object to council having any involvement with Pride events for Mackay’s LGBT+ residents, or if he would protest it as an act of “indoctrination” as he did Disney’s event.

He did not respond to our questions.

Protesting UN reports

On June 16, 2023, Mr Christensen led a second petition on Citizen GO against the UN Human Rights Council supporting a report presented on June 21.

The report was compiled by Victor Madrigal-Borloz, an independent expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

At Citizen GO, George Christensen has advocated for the religious freedom of priests to administer conversion therapy.
At Citizen GO, George Christensen has advocated for the religious freedom of priests to administer conversion therapy.

The findings suggested that freedom of religion or belief could be used to target and abuse members of the LGBTQ+, but ultimately concluded that “many religious or belief traditions are inclusive and affirming of LGBTQ+ persons”.

Mr Christensen’s campaign copy took exception to this report, particularly in its call for a ban on conversion therapies.

Conversion therapies are a pseudoscientific practice of attempting to “convert” homosexuals to heterosexuality.

In the campaign material written by Mr Christensen, he was concerned that if conversion therapies were banned it could “limit the freedom of priests to help homosexuals seeking assistance”.

It should be noted that conversion therapy as a practice has been mostly outlawed in Queensland, with some exceptions.

We reached out to Mr Christensen and asked if he supported conversion therapies in religious settings. He did not respond to our questions.

Speaking with George through his website will set his average fan back over $200.
Speaking with George through his website will set his average fan back over $200.

In his own words

Copywriting is a paid position, and many copywriters don’t necessarily hold the same views they commit to pen and paper.

What does Mr Christensen write and say on his own platforms?

Here’s an example of the type of content offered up by the council-hopeful.

On Rumble, a right-wing ‘free-speech’ Canadian video streaming platform, Mr Christensen devoted a 10 minute video to the topic “Does the World Economic Forum promote pedophilia”.

In the rambling piece to camera, discussing child prostitution, ‘Davos elites’ and other catch cries to conspiracy theorists, he makes a number of false claims, including that in Switzerland it was legal for girls as young as 16 to be sex workers.

He then latches on to a random submission on a single website owned by the WEF discussing age of consent laws to help hammer home the point.

But even after 10 minutes, he is smart enough to know there is no actual evidence to make such a wild and unproven claim.

Ultimately Mr Christensen concluded “But can we actually say the World Economic Forum promote pedophilia? Well that’s for you to judge”.

We reached out to him to ask if he believed the WEF promoted pedophilia. He did not respond to our questions.

Some other choice headlines from his ‘Nation First’ substack include “Did you know 100s of 1000s are dying from the jab?”, “Meet the prominent Harvard professor who wants to lower the age of consent”, “Did the paedo elite kill this journalist”, and “How they plan to make you WILLINGLY own nothing”.

A common theme is the evil, shadowy globalists controlling all behind the scenes, with a sprinkle of paedophilia in the mix.

It’s a clear cut strategy for many media commentators looking to boost their brand among the ‘freedom’ crowd, a diverse umbrella of conspiracy theorists, ranging from full-blown ‘government is run by satanists’ loons, to the ‘just asking questions’ anti-vaccine types.

His Eureka Free Press substack page - where writers can publish articles, etc, to either paid or unpaid subscribers - is mostly used to aggregate other right-wing news media sites.

He’s pushed his readers to articles on far-right outlets like and TheEpochTimes.

We put to Mr Christensen that a less-than-generous reading of his media career post-politics might be that after attempts at monetising content in the right-wing media sphere, he’s now getting back into politics for the pay.

We asked how he would respond to the accusation.

He did not respond to our questions.

Originally published as Dive into George Christensen’s media career post-parliament

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