
Erin Molan: You should be fearful that war is on our doorstep

While our leaders put all their energy into getting the Voice over the line, our enemies are colluding … anything from annexation of any country that tickles their fancy to plotting the demise of us all, writes Erin Molan

Is anyone else a little nervous right now? Or a lot? If life were not hard enough already with cost of living pressures, work, relationships, routine daily challenges, to that omnipresent list of worries we can now add the bromance between Russia and North Korea.

And worry we should. If you aren’t worried you either have a very reliable disaster shelter or you’ve been living under a rock.

This week North Korean President Kim Jong Un went to Russia to meet with war lord and president Vladimir Putin. Two of the world’s most terrifying dictators united.

It would be cringeworthy if it weren’t so terrifying.

Mr Kim told the (state controlled) media afterwards that they will always support the decisions of President Putin and the Russian leadership. A significant occasion this, his first overseas trip in four years. Make no mistake about it — these two countries, and the alliance they are forming with Iran and China, is chilling.

While our leaders put all their energy into getting the Voice over the line, our enemies are colluding … well who knows what, anything from annexation of any country that tickles their fancy to plotting the demise of us all.

That’s not fear mongering or an exaggeration by the way.

I wish it were.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) meets with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. Picture: AFP
Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) meets with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. Picture: AFP
While our leaders put all their energy into getting the Voice over the line, our enemies are colluding.
While our leaders put all their energy into getting the Voice over the line, our enemies are colluding.

So where to from here? We are but a small player on the global stage when it comes to military might and power, so we turn to the United States for reassurance? Good luck.

American General Jack Kean said last week that the US would have no chance of matching the might of the Chinese if a war were to break out in our region. Imagine if they had to fight Russia, Iran and North Korea too. America used to be the most powerful country in the world. Not anymore.

It’s bad enough that we have to be completely reliant on other countries for our wellbeing, but when those countries aren’t even capable of defending themselves, what hope do we have?

Joe Biden’s performance and behaviour becomes more disturbing by the day. Age isn’t the issue — I know 90 year olds who are sharp as a tack and hitting their straps impressively throughout their 15 hour days.

President Biden, on the other hand, is unwell. End of story. Fear not though - Vice President Kamala Harris has declared she’s ready and willing to take over. It would almost be worse than Biden.

US President Joe Biden is not showing signs of strength. Picture: AFP
US President Joe Biden is not showing signs of strength. Picture: AFP

Say what you like about Donald Trump — and even if it is because other world leaders think he’s crazy and somewhat unhinged — his ability to ‘control’ dangerous dictators is the best we’ve seen in a long time.

I use inverted commas appropriately and wisely.

Executing effective diplomacy is a tough balance. Speak softly and carry a big stick and all of that. We all know the stronger you are the greater the deterrent to attack.

The greatest threat to our way of life right now is hostilities leading to war in our region. The Chinese President is under pressure at home. Yes, he rules with an iron fist but youth unemployment is rising and the behemoth that is their economy is struggling. He might not respect democracy but the people under his command are far more powerful than they might believe and he will be acutely aware of this.

One way to unite a nation is to declare war on another.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has emphasized the Communist Party’s leadership over all aspects of governance.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping has emphasized the Communist Party’s leadership over all aspects of governance.

Xi Jinping has made no secret of the fact he wants Taiwan under his control. Never underestimate someone who tells you what they want, especially when he thoughtfully adds that he will do whatever it takes — thanks President Xi, we harbour no doubt.

The threat of war in our region has never been greater and if our politicians aren’t investing every possible second into preventing it, and cent we have to spare into preparing for it, then they are letting us all down, indigenous Australians included.

Erin Molan
Erin MolanCommentator

Erin Molan has been a journalist in Australia for nearly 20 years. Host of Erin, Fridays at 5.00pm on Sky News Australia and Daily Telegraph Columnist. Molan spent 11 years as a News and Sports Host at Channel 9… including as the first woman to host the Footy Show and Continuous Call Team on 2GB. She is passionate about online safety and campaigned for new laws to protect Australians… which were introduced into Parliament.

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