

Climate change is coming and you won’t believe who is hardest hit

The doom and destruction narrative of the climate cult is going all out in trying to find new victims we should feel sorry for, even trans Indonesian sex workers

'Sinister': Young people being 'brainwashed' by climate ideology

For decades, climate change has been a headline-grabbing doom-and-destruction powerhouse.

Wherever anybody needed a proper fright, good old reliable climate change was always there.

But that act is getting old. People can only take so many fake-news disaster prophecies before they look elsewhere.

And my, do they ever have options. There’s all manner of competition in today’s terror marketplace.

How, for example, can a mere theoretical temperature increase possibly score any eyeballs when a kind of Nazi-Hamas kid movement here and abroad is trying to impose Germany 1933 (or Medina 622) on Western civilisation 2024?

It’s remarkable. A Middle Eastern-flavoured woke version of the Hitler Youth is currently occupying universities in Sydney, Melbourne, the US, Canada and the UK, demanding Israel and its seven million Jewish citizens be erased.

TPeople pray as pro-Palestinian students protest at an encampment on the campus of the University of Michigan. Picture: AFP
TPeople pray as pro-Palestinian students protest at an encampment on the campus of the University of Michigan. Picture: AFP

“From the river to the sea,” the children say. That’s Hamas-endorsed geographic shorthand for ethnic cleansing of all the Jews.

These ambitious university activists, who only a few years ago were pleading for “safe spaces” and protection from dangerous words, now aim to top their spiritual leader Adolf’s concentration camp murder total by a clear million.

Activists from Extinction Rebellion dance as they demonstrate outside Abrdn's AGM in Edinburgh, Scotland. Picture: Getty Images
Activists from Extinction Rebellion dance as they demonstrate outside Abrdn's AGM in Edinburgh, Scotland. Picture: Getty Images

Quite a shift we’re seeing here. Against that, the usual climate change warnings about damp coastal cities and gloomy polar bears really don’t amount to much.

But climate change – or, more precisely, the various groups pushing climate change alarmism – is now fighting back. Like Kyle Sandilands trying to grab an audience outside Sydney, climate change is adding extra shock.

Check the evidence from just this month.

On April 3, Reuters ran a stunning headline: “How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers.”

Wow. According to the article: “Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change, as well as suffering disproportionately when disasters strike.

“ ‘No one is coming out during the longer rainy season,’ said Patiha. ‘It is very hard to make money during that unpredictable weather.’ ”

If it’s money Patiha wants, perhaps she should transition from Indonesian trans sex worker to elderly Alpine litigant lady.

On April 10, the BBC reported: “A group of older Swiss women have won the first-ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights.”

Youths from Portugal who brought forth a petition react after the announcement of decisions after a hearing of the European Court of Human Rights. Picture: AFP
Youths from Portugal who brought forth a petition react after the announcement of decisions after a hearing of the European Court of Human Rights. Picture: AFP

“The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change.”

These endangered oldsters picked up about $132,000 for their trouble. The BBC continued: “The court said Switzerland’s efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate.”

Better shut down all of Switzerland’s major industries, then. No more cuckoo clocks or fondue festivals for these yodelling planet killers until emissions are cut.

The shocks just keep coming. “Climate change has a bigger impact on LGBTQ+ couples than straight couples,” declared an April 25 headline in gay US journal The Advocate.

“Same-sex couples are at greater risk of climate change-related threats than their heterosexual peers, a new study has found,” the journal announced.

“Because LGBTQ+ people disproportionately live in coastal areas and cities, as well as areas with poorer infrastructure and less access to resources, they are more vulnerable to climate hazards.”

Well, let’s just hold up here for a second. Switzerland is mostly mountains, and it doesn’t have a coastline. Also, it’s rich as hell.

Switzerland, therefore, is the exact opposite of “coastal areas” that are stuck with “poorer infrastructure and less access to resources”. Yet residents of both areas claim disproportionate danger due to climate change.

Hot or cold, mountainous or flat, wealthy or stupid, gay or straight (or trans), climate change can do it all.

And last week, courtesy of a protest outside the New York headquarters of Citibank, climate change finally found its connection to the left’s Hamas heroes.

“Citi is the second-biggest funder of fossil fuels and the biggest foreign bank in Israel. Citi is directly funding and supporting genocide,” crank outfit Planet Over Profit claimed.

“Our fights are one and the same – climate justice means free Palestine!”

Interesting concept. Presumably climate justice also means kidnapped, raped and executed civilians.

Locally, Australians can do our bit for climate justice by purchasing Ford’s monstrous F-150 electric truck, as promoted by Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen.

Of course, you’ll need more than $250,000 to buy one of the things. And you’ll not be wanting to tow much, or carry any heavy items. You may also need to be laughter and mockery resistant.

But just imagine how much respect you’ll earn from the climate justice/free Palestine crowd.

Unless you’re Jewish, of course. In which case just keep the doors locked.

Tim Blair
Tim BlairJournalist

Read the latest Tim Blair blog. Tim is a columnist and blogger for the Daily Telegraph.

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