
Southwest candidate says climate change cult decimated local towns

KATTER party Warrego candidate: ‘Warrego was once home of vibrant towns and communities that provided food and fibre for rest of Australia’.

The Katter’s Australian Party candidate for Warrego, Rick Gurnett has spoken out on the carbon farming and its effect on southwest Queensland.
The Katter’s Australian Party candidate for Warrego, Rick Gurnett has spoken out on the carbon farming and its effect on southwest Queensland.

THE Katter’s Australian Party candidate for Warrego, Rick Gurnett has spoken out on carbon farming and its effect on southwest Queensland.

The candidate believes the scheme was dreamt up in the boardrooms of the climate change cult and used by our Federal government to meet Kyoto and Paris emission standards.

“Carbon farming is having a devastating effect on the grazing lands of southwest Queensland,” Mr Gurnett said.

“There are approximately 50,000 square kilometres of landscape throughout the Warrego region under Emission Funding contract agreements using the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) method.

“This is a massive bite out of the 307,274 km2 area of the Warrego electorate which carries the burden of 98 per cent of the States CFI vegetation projects.

“Over $2.5 billion dollars of Australian taxpayers’ money has been funnelled into buying carbon offsets under the ‘new green deal.’”

Mr Gurnett said the on-the-ground reality was a mass exodus of primary producers and the accompanying town populations from the heartland of western Queensland.

“Warrego was once home of vibrant towns and communities that provided food and fibre for the rest of Australia and the excess was then exported to the world,” he said.

“Now we have for sale signs proliferating the houses and empty shops, as the country people are forced into bulging urban centres as the jobs and opportunities dried up as fast the sunshower in December.

“Currently in the place of lowing cattle and the flocks bleating sheep are empty tree deserts, as property after property is bought up and mostly locked up, to suit the green agenda of the UN.

“The national economy is being directly affected by this Federal government scheme that has in its design, an eradication of people and their livestock from what can be a very productive area of our state.

“The primary producers and towns people can withstand extended droughts, survive floods and fires, but we cannot survive against the UN Paris Carbon Abatement Scheme that is turning our regions into pseudo national parks, no longer being used for agriculture but being used as a tool to cause great harm to our nation’s food, job and economic security.”

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