
Yassmin Abdel-Magied: ABC activist’s vile anti-Diggers remark slammed as ‘deeply reprehensible’

ONE Nation leader Pauline Hanson has slammed Yassmin Abdel-Magied, who claimed that Anzac Day should be spent thinking about Manus Island detainees, not Diggers.

Yassmin Abdel-Magied defends Sharia Law in clash with Jacqui Lambie

ONE Nation leader Pauline Hanson has condemned Yassmin Abdel-Magied who claimed that Anzac Day should be spent thinking about Manus Island detainees, not Diggers.

“I am disgusted to hear about Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s comments. Yesterday means so much to all Australians.

“She has no understanding, no idea. The federal government has paid her to travel the world, I think to promote her book, she just wouldn’t have a clue.

“She has done her dash with most Australians who will never forget her comments. Never.”

Adding to the chorus of criticism is Acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, who said the ABC should think about taking further action against Abdel-Magied.

“They make life exceedingly difficult for people like myself on the Expenditure Review Committee when we’re fighting for funds when issues such as this are brought up to us,” he said.

“You can’t just sweep it under the carpet.

“It starts to become a sense that the culture of the ABC is in some instances at odds with the culture of Australia.

This follows Muslim leader Abbas Aly, a spokesman for Imam Hasan Centre in Annangrove who said he was “at a loss as to how to deal with individuals seeking publicity who continue to damage the Australian Muslim Community”.

“On behalf of the Hills Muslim community and almost all others I can assure you that the words used by this person does not in any way reflect our views,” he said.

Muslim leader Abbas Aly at the Imam Hasan Centre in Annangrove.
Muslim leader Abbas Aly at the Imam Hasan Centre in Annangrove.

The ABC refuses to sack or even condemn their star broadcaster and PC poster girl who claimed Anzac Day should be spent thinking about Manus Island detainees, not Diggers.

Presenter Yassmin Abdel-Magied, who labels herself “first and foremost … Muslim”, caused outrage after hijacking the sacred “Lest We Forget” tribute in a sickening insult to the nation’s war dead.

As soldiers marched across the nation, the Sudan-born Australia Wide presenter posted on Facebook: “Lest. We. Forget. (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine ...)”

Yassmin Abdel-Magied, pictured on ABC’s Q & A, posted that Anzac Day should be spent remembering detainees on Manus Island. Picture: ABC
Yassmin Abdel-Magied, pictured on ABC’s Q & A, posted that Anzac Day should be spent remembering detainees on Manus Island. Picture: ABC

Mr Aly added, “I would like to let you know that the Muslim community is grateful that Ron Brown, James Gilhooly and the Anzac Day Dawn Service Trust kindly accepted our offer to donate towards the dawn service and are committed to continue doing so into the years.

“Before anyone asks, the Imam Hasan Centre in Annangrove does not receive any government funding and although not required to as a religious body, it pays its council rates and council contributions.

“We are proud Australians and love our home dearly.”

The public backlash has been swift. In less than 24 hours, over 1,000 people have signed a petition calling on ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie to terminate Abdel-Magied’s employment with the taxpayer-funded broadcaster.


Acting Veterans’ Affairs Minister Troy Grant slammed Abdel-Magied saying, “The public were absolutely right to demand Ms Abdel-Magied apologise for her comments.

“On April 25 we expect all Australians to stop and give thanks for the dedication of those before us who fought for the freedoms our country holds dear, and to those who continue in this tradition of service and sacrifice. Anzac Day is sacred, should be kept above politics and certainly not hijacked for grandstanding.”

Abdel Magied’s post was quickly deleted.
Abdel Magied’s post was quickly deleted.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton slammed the activist as “a disgrace” while federal MP George Christensen demanded the ABC sack her.

“It is a disgrace that on our most significant national day ... this advocate seeks to make political mileage,” Mr Dutton said.

However, the ABC has stood behind Ms Abdel-­Magied, who has previously caused controversy after ­declaring Islam was the “most feminist religion”.

A spokeswoman would say only: “(She introduces) stories done by ABC reporters from around the country ... when presenting for the ABC she works in ­accordance with ABC editorial and other policies.”

Sudanese-born politician Edmond Atalla weighed into the debate this morning, with the Labor MP for Mount Druitt saying: “These comments are not appropriate and shows the lack of understanding of what Anzac is all about.

“At the very least Ms Abdel-Magied should apologise to all those she has offended by these outrageous remarks.”

Ms Abdel-Magied later deleted the post, and apologised after “it was brought to my ­attention that my last post was disrespectful”. The 26-year-old has previously been a member of the federal Anzac ­Centenary Commemoration Youth Working Group.

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Nationals MP George Christensen has demanded the ABC sack the host after her Facebook gaffe. Picture: AAP
Nationals MP George Christensen has demanded the ABC sack the host after her Facebook gaffe. Picture: AAP
The 26-year-old was quickly forced into an embarrassing backdown. Picture: Adam Smith
The 26-year-old was quickly forced into an embarrassing backdown. Picture: Adam Smith

A furious Mr Christensen said she “should no longer be on the public broadcaster’s tax-funded payroll”.

Assistant Cities Minister Angus Taylor said the post “showed a profound lack of judgment”. Communication Minister Mitch Fifield said Anzac Day was reserved as an occasion “to honour the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform”.

Ms Abdel-Magied caused a furore in February after a ­heated exchange on ABC’s Q & A program with Senator Jacqui Lambie, during which she said Islam was “the most feminist religion”.

SBS sacked sports reporter Scott McIntyre in 2015 after he lashed out on Anzac Day and said the commemoration was “remembering the summary execution, widespread rape and theft committed by these ‘brave’ Anzacs”. Mr McIntyre later sued SBS for wrongful dismissal, reaching an out-of-court settlement last year.

Detainees at the Manus Island Detention Centre. Picture: Brian Cassey
Detainees at the Manus Island Detention Centre. Picture: Brian Cassey

Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz said Ms Abdel-Magied’s post was “disrespectful” and “deeply reprehensible”.

Ms Abdel-Magied did not respond to requests for ­comment.



“I’m disgusted with the social media comments made by Yassmin Abdel-Magied.

“Scott McIntyre was sacked from SBS in 2015 for his comments towards Anzacs, which I agree with. And they’re quick to sideline an anchor women for missing her cue after a story finished and left her on screen fiddling with a pen.

“Are some employees on the ABC a protected species? It’s time for tokenism to end in this country.”

One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson. Picture: Mick Tsikas
One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson. Picture: Mick Tsikas


“I think she’s recognised that by deleting it. I think it was the wrong day of the year to be making the point she sought to make and I think it’s appropriate that she has withdrawn that post,” he said.


“Yassmin Abdel-Magid’s unfortunate and disrespectful Facebook post today, of all days, is deeply reprehensible.

“Tens of thousands of Australians, from all walks of life, have gone to war and paid the ultimate sacrifice.

“Today we pay tribute to them, not seek to use their sacrifice for cheap political point scoring as Ms Abdel Magied has done.

Senator Eric Abetz. Picture Kym Smith
Senator Eric Abetz. Picture Kym Smith

“The freedom she enjoys to make such disrespectful comments is what the people who we commemorate today fought and died for.

“But that is where self-discipline, respect and decency need to be added into the equation, something Ms Abdel-Magied has displayed she lacks.”

ANDREW HASTIE Former Army Captain, now MP

“She demands protection for her pet issues, yet is more than happy to disrespect a day cherished by everyday Australians.

Andrew Hastie, Former Army Captain, now Liberal MP
Andrew Hastie, Former Army Captain, now Liberal MP

“She trashes who we are as Australians and what our forbears have sacrificed. The backlash is a sign of healthy democracy. People won’t tolerate an assault on our national character and traditions.”

ROBERT BORSAK (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers NSW)

“Ms Abdel-Magied’s denigrating comments are absolutely disgusting and show no love of Australia whatsoever.

Shooters & Fishers Party MP Robert Borsak. Picture: Adam Ward
Shooters & Fishers Party MP Robert Borsak. Picture: Adam Ward

“She wouldn’t even be able to live in this country if it wasn’t for the sacrifice of those we remember and honour every Anzac Day.

“Anzac Day is to honour those who have given their all in the service of our country, not for furthering Ms Abdel-Magied’s own political agenda.”


Australian Minister for Communications and the Arts Mitch Fifield. Picture: Lukas Coch
Australian Minister for Communications and the Arts Mitch Fifield. Picture: Lukas Coch

“ANZAC DAY is reserved as an occasion to honour the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform. “Lest We Forget” are solemn and precious words to be used with reverence and respect. Australians would be appalled by someone attempting to hijack and debase this national time of reflection through crude politicisation.”

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