
Tweed school steps back in time

A time capsule from 25 years ago will be opened.

JUMP TO IT: Burringbar Principal Peter Halloran with students Abi, Lonnie, Amber, Flynn, Ethan and Charlie get in the spirit of the upcoming 125th school reunion. Picture: Scott Powick
JUMP TO IT: Burringbar Principal Peter Halloran with students Abi, Lonnie, Amber, Flynn, Ethan and Charlie get in the spirit of the upcoming 125th school reunion. Picture: Scott Powick

THERE'S plenty of activity around the Burringbar Public School as students, staff and school community prepares to celebrate its 125th anniversary.

Principal Peter Halloran said it was a marvellous achievement for such a small school which had a colourful history.

Burringbar Public School was opened in January 1894 with the first teacher being Thomas Giddy.

At the end of the first year, there were 67 enrolments with an average attendance of only 24 students per day.

So what did classes look like?

When a new classroom was added in 1907, Inspector McCoy ordered three large and small desks, one book press, one large table, a blackboard and the library had 121 well-chosen books.

So what was school like?

Mr Halloran has been busy delving into the school archives and found an extract from different students from the 1930s;

"In our day the teacher's word was law and nobody dared to dispute it.

"The only holiday we had for any sport was 24th May, Empire Day. We had a picnic races and competitions in the school ground.

"The toilets were a box seat over a hole in the ground. When the hole was filled the entire toilet was simply moved to a new hole.

"We used to go to school in a sulky. We would leave it in the Church of England yard. Merv came on a horse and left it there too with many others. Merv got the cuts one day and his hand were too sore to ride his horse home so he went in the sulky and I rode his horse for him.”

Mr Halloran said on October 26, the school will celebrate its 125th year with a fair at the school.

"Most importantly we will raise the time capsule that was put in the ground 25 years ago,” he said.

"The day will have a formal assembly followed by stalls, rides and activities. We will display all the photos from eras from the past and it will be fantastic. Come along and enjoy a great family day and learn a little about the history of our school.”

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