
Chewing the fat about nutrition at Mur’bah library

OLWEN Anderson will prove that you are what you eat during talks at Murwillumbah library later this month.

Olwen Anderson and Linda Bell at the Murwillumbah library. Picture: John Gass
Olwen Anderson and Linda Bell at the Murwillumbah library. Picture: John Gass

OLWEN Anderson will prove that you are what you eat during talks at Murwillumbah library later this month.

The Murwillumbah nutritionist-naturopath will hold discussions on January 24.

Topics will be based on real-life eating and focus on practical information such as eating nutritionally on a budget and scrutinising the media's views on food and nourishment.

Ms Anderson said she was looking forward to providing some useful information.

"It's going to be practical," she said.

"There's definitely a hunger for reliable and usable nutrition information.

"People get caught up in the theory."

Ms Anderson said the discussions would be helpful for those looking to improve their health and nutrition.

"This is for anyone who is interested in changing how they feel through how they eat," she said.

"Being there to talk to people I can give them the information they need.

"It's about translating information into practical knowledge."

Murwillumbah Library branch technician Linda Bell organised the talks as part of the library's monthly information nights.

"I thought nutrition would be a good one to touch on," she said.

"We're focusing on getting the community involved in the library."

Ms Bell was expecting a good turnout at the discussion, which was scheduled to start at 11am.

Bookings are appreciated and can be made through Murwillumbah library on 02 6670 2427.

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