
Sydney University Gaza camp dwindling but not deserted as Muslim group takes over

A schism between the self-described communists at the University of Sydney and their conservative, devout Muslim classmates has left numbers in the ‘Gaza solidarity encampment’ dwindling.

Pro-Palestine protesters leave Sydney Uni

A schism between left-wing atheists and self-described communists at the University of Sydney and their conservative, devout Muslim classmates has left the ‘Gaza solidarity encampment’ faltering - but not yet deserted.

On Tuesday morning campus groundskeepers and cleaners were seen packing down vacant tents, clearing out the pro-Palestine protesters’ rubbish and dumping their signs in the bin.

Early in the morning of June 18 at the Sydney University protest camp. Trucks are loaded with leftover camping gear, and rubbish disposed of. Picture: Rohan Kelly
Early in the morning of June 18 at the Sydney University protest camp. Trucks are loaded with leftover camping gear, and rubbish disposed of. Picture: Rohan Kelly

The Students For Palestine group and their allies – including the Student Representative Council and Students Against War – have officially decamped following a crackdown from the university over the weekend and on Monday

However, the Sydney University Muslim Students’ Association (SUMSA) and their affiliates remain steadfastly committed to occupying the uni lawns.

Among them are the Stand4Palestine outfit, who have been linked to extreme Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir. The group, who are tagging their social media posts with innocuous and unrelated hashtags like #NYC, #burgers and #theoffice, are still encouraging non-students to join the encampment.

The controversial Stand4Palestine group continued posting on social media on Tuesday, urging non-students to join the university encampment.
The controversial Stand4Palestine group continued posting on social media on Tuesday, urging non-students to join the university encampment.
The Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA) has also vowed to continue the encampment. Picture: Instagram
The Sydney University Muslim Students Association (SUMSA) has also vowed to continue the encampment. Picture: Instagram

“The Muslims at USYD have a resolve based on more than the human rights that the UN peddle,” the group wrote on Instagram on Tuesday.

“Their resolve is based on their absolute belief and unity found in Islam. Many threats are made, but as a people of faith, we do not fear this; our fear is reserved only for our creator.

“Muslims will continue this camp, we are immensely proud of them.”

By Tuesday afternoon, the handful of protesters still on site were refusing to speak to media, instead redirecting reporters to SUMSA for comment. The Daily Telegraph has sent questions to the group.

Meanwhile, SRC councillor and authorised campsite ‘media liaison’ Ethan Floyd said other groups still supported SUMSA’s decision to remain after they themselves “strategically” decamped in the face of what he described as an “egregious form of soft repression” from the university.

“Now that the encampment no longer has utility as a negotiating tactic, we are continuing it as long as possible on principle,” he said.

“This is a time for restrategisation.

University staff packing down unattended items in a move protesters say is “egregious form of soft repression”. Picture: Rohan Kelly
University staff packing down unattended items in a move protesters say is “egregious form of soft repression”. Picture: Rohan Kelly

“The last thing we want is a student movement that’s lethargic and exhausted.”

Instead, the SRC will refocus its energy on calling a Student General Meeting in August to put their demands forward for a vote.

“This is significant because it’s the first time in this BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaign that the entire student body have had their chance to have their voice heard … and send a message to management,” he said.

A spokeswoman for the University of Sydney said the uni would continue working towards a “peaceful resolution” of the tent city protest, after Students for Palestine prematurely announced the camp would close down from Monday.

“We welcome the statement from the majority of student encampment representatives saying they are shutting down the camp,” the spokeswoman said.

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