
Police intelligence report exposes Hells Angels true colours

EXCLUSIVE: They hand out merit badges for murder and squabble over who has the right to wear them on their “cuts” or “colours”, but the secret world of the Hells Angels bikie club is finally exposed thanks to a court document obtained by the Daily Telegraph.

Deeply secretive to outsiders and usually distrustful, the secret world of the Hells Angels has finally been cracked open.
Deeply secretive to outsiders and usually distrustful, the secret world of the Hells Angels has finally been cracked open.

THE secret world of bikie gang Hells Angels can be revealed thanks to a police document obtained by The Daily Telegraph — including how the outlaw motorcycle club hands out specific merit badges for thugs who have murdered someone or assaulted a police officer.

A 25-page statement, which was prepared by a police intelligence analysts for a recent trial, details how if a member is wearing a patch with the words “filthy few” it means they have committed an extreme act of violence like murder.

A patch with “Dequaillo” means the member has assaulted a police officer.

Hells Angels’ colours.
Hells Angels’ colours.

“Only a handful of Hells Angels members are permitted to wear the words Hells Angels or the ‘winged dead head’,” the document says.

“These words and images are not only trademarked, providing a legal recourse to the Hells Angels for infringements, there has been a history of unauthorised persons using the words or symbols being seriously assaulted … including tattoos being forcibly taken from them.”

The document also outlines the history of the Hells Angels being established in Sydney, with its first chapter appearing in 1975.

It was “frozen” in April 2011 because it had less than six members. But a former Parramatta Bandido patched over and a new clubhouse was set up in Alexandria. Membership started to grow.

The Hells Angels are very particular about who wears their merchandise.
The Hells Angels are very particular about who wears their merchandise.
Angels on the move as part of a funeral procession.
Angels on the move as part of a funeral procession.

Police now believe there are about 100 members making up seven chapters of the Hells Angels in NSW.

The document says “full membership in an OMCG follows a certain path”.

The Hells Angels have a clear chain of command with a hierarchical structure specifying roles and rank from the most junior members to ­office bearers and then high-ranking national bosses.

The roles are all backed up by strict and enforceable rules. The best indicator of how the Hells Angels is organised is by the way it conducts its national “run”.

This bikie ride involves the Red Devils MC, a support club whose members and prospects are subordinate.

Full Hells Angels members ride at the front of the pack followed by prospects, then Red Devils members then its prospects. Hells Angels members wear AFFA in red letters on their patches, which stands for “Angels Forever Forever Angels”.


HANGAROUND - a person who does just that. They are allowed to go to club functions, be at the clubhouse and go on club runs. No voting rights, not allowed at official meetings and not considered members. Some clubs award patches that are worn on vests as “official’’ hangaround status. This gives them access to the the gang more so than the average punter.

PROSPECT/NOMINEE - if a hangaround is deemed to be a man of suitable for membership in the club they move to this stage. This is generally a qualifying period of 12 to 24 months. A prospect is entitled to wear a bottom rocker of a three-piece patch. They have to be sponsored by a full member. They have to do menial duties like bar-tending at the clubhouse bar, cleaning, security and running errands for full members. In the Hells Angels, prospective member are known as Prospects and have to be hold that status for 12 months and subject to direction of full members. Failure to comply with the direction of a full member is grounds for wide range of punitive measures ranging from fines to expulsions from hells angels.

The national ride paints a clear picture of the chain of command.
The national ride paints a clear picture of the chain of command.

PROBATIONARY - some clubs include a probationary stage after prospect or nominee in which prospective members move up in status within the club but is still denied voting rights or allowed to attended club meetings. Hells Angels do not have a probationary period.

MEMBER - After a prospect/nominee has passed through qualifying period the club will vote on whether he as proved himself acceptable enough to become a full member. This requires a strong majority if not unanimous vote of full members. If successful the member is entitled to wear a full three-piece patch consisting of top rocker, bottom and centre patch. Full members can vote and attended meetings. Unsuccessful applicants can do a further qualifying period.

The history of the Hells Angels has been one of bloodshed.
The history of the Hells Angels has been one of bloodshed.


Office holders are generally President, Vice President, Sergeant at Arms, Secretary, Treasurer and Road Captain. Office bearers in many clubs wear patches identifying their position within organisation.

In Hells Angels this is left up to individual. In Hells Angels office bearers are arranged on a chapter basis.

PRESIDENT - has absolute power within the club and has the right to veto decisions made by members concerning club business.

VICE PRESIDENT - supports President in ensuring decisions are enacted and will replace President in his absence.

SERGEANT AT ARMS - responsible for discipline during club meetings, functions and runs (organised rides). He answer directly to the President from whom he can gain consent to use violence in dealing with another member who has disobeyed club rules. There is evidence supporting the belief that Sergeant at Arms formulates and coordinates attacks on rival clubs in times of conflict.

SECRETARY and TREASURER - may be held by one member concurrently or shared between two members. The roles are responsible for keeping minutes of club meetings, managing the club financial affairs such as collections of dues and fines incurred by club members and the payment of club bills.

ROAD CAPTAIN - is in charge of organising mandatory club rides known as a “’run’’. He coridnates the route of the run, the destination and other logistical matters. He also communicates with rival OMCG to negotiate permission to ride wearing colours through rival territory.

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