

Mahmoud ‘Brownie’ Ahmad extorted victims behind bars and on the outside

Slain gang boss Mahmoud “Brownie” Ahmad previously used his time in jail for a rival’s death to put the squeeze on fellow inmates for six-figure sums.

Mahmoud Brownie Ahmed farewelled after assassination

Slain gang boss Mahmoud “Brownie” Ahmad spent more than five years behind bars for the manslaughter of an underworld rival, but the constraints of prison bars had very little impact on his ability to extort cash – from those both inside and outside.

The 39-year-old long used power and threats to target wealthy individuals and extort them of their money and had in more recent times attempted doing exactly that to rich Sydney businessman Omar Elomar.

It is not suggested that Omar Elomar is linked to any wrongdoing.

But in the wake of Ahmad’s assassination at Greenacre in the city’s southwest suburbs last Wednesday, The Daily Telegraph can further detail the incredible determination of the Mr Big of the crime world to extort.

While serving his sentence for the killing of Safwan Charbaji in 2016, Ahmad continued to throw his weight around.

Mahmoud Brownie Ahmad was still a master of extortion behind bars.
Mahmoud Brownie Ahmad was still a master of extortion behind bars.
Safwan Charbaji, whose death Brownie did time for.
Safwan Charbaji, whose death Brownie did time for.

“He (Ahmad) bashed one bloke in jail and extorted him, he made his friends on the outside pay up or else he would continue to harass him – it was about $250,000,” an underworld source said.

“Another businessman who is a multi-millionaire, he made him give money to his ex-wife on the outside.

Police try to perform CPR on Ahmad right after he was shot in Greenacre.
Police try to perform CPR on Ahmad right after he was shot in Greenacre.
Ahmad had previously attempted to extort Omar Elomar.
Ahmad had previously attempted to extort Omar Elomar.

“Brownie told him he was protecting him. The guy didn’t have a choice, he had to pay heaps for protection he didn’t want.”

Police at the murder scene last Thursday. Picture: Darren Leigh Roberts
Police at the murder scene last Thursday. Picture: Darren Leigh Roberts

The same source claimed while Ahmad had many rivals, he stuck to extortion because he did not have the resources or “patience” to carry out hits.

“If Brownie bumped into you (a rival) in the street, he’d shoot you on the spot,” he said.

“That’s how wild he was. In the middle of a shopping centre, he’d shoot you, he wouldn’t think twice.

“But he didn’t have the brains or the patience to carry out a hit.

“He wasn’t smart, but he had big balls.”

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