
Why Queensland drivers are the worst in Australia: OPINION

DRIVERS from the Sunshine State are blissfully ignorant of even basic road rules, they're unfailingly rude and get hopelessly lost.

THE holiday season is upon us and there's a deadly peril on our roads - Queensland drivers.

As a collective group Queenslanders are, without a doubt, the worst drivers in Australia.

It seems they check their brain as soon as they cross the border into NSW and drive with a lead-foot surety that only comes from blissful ignorance of even the most basic of road rules.

Northern Rivers motorists know that as soon as they are being tail-gated by a fast-moving 4WD, a quick check of their number plates reveals the Queensland stain.

And for a group that doesn't know where they are going, or the best way to get there, they sure do take up a lot of road doing it.

They crowd our parking spaces, they text while negotiating tricky bends, they occupy the middle of the road on our tiny hinterland highways, and they most certainly don't know the right lane to take on our many roundabouts.

Queenslanders are either going too fast, or going too slow, there doesn't seem to be a happy medium with motorists from the Sunshine State.

They are almost unfailingly rude. When was the last time you gave way at a single lane bridge crossing and failed to get the 'thank you' finger from a Queensland driver going past?

Never try and correct a Queensland driver on their driving prowess, they just can't take any criticism.

And it doesn't matter what directions you give them, or how many maps you draw, unless the GPS tells them to turn right in 50m they are hopelessly lost.

My advice to the kind, careful, considerate drivers of the Northern Rivers is to be unfailingly polite, ever vigilant and the best defensive driver you can be during this invasion from the north.

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