
Mayor responds to council complaint: 'Fair point I reckon'

LISMORE mayor Isaac Smith has responded to a resident's concerns about the continual flooding of a local road during heavy rainfall, despite recent council work

THURSDAY 1.45pm: LISMORE mayor Isaac Smith has responded to resident Rohan Adam Wijeyekoon's concerns about Booerie Creek Road during heavy rainfall.

"Fair point I reckon from Rohan," Cr Smith said on his Facebook page.

"I know this road well as I had family out at Boorie Creek when I was younger.

"Looks like this was not well designed by the engineer or there are other issues such as blockages causing the water to divert.

"Council needs to get on to this before the next heavy flows roll through."

THURSDAY 10.15am: A LOCAL resident has aired his frustration with a common problem that occurs whenever there is heavy rainfall.

"This is what residents on Booerie Creek Road have to deal with every time the weather turns bad courtesy of Lismore City Council," Rohan Adam Wijeyekoon wrote on Facebook alongside the video below last night.

"Booerie Creek Road is one of the first roads to get flooded in these conditions.

"Dear LCC, do you see the problem with this picture?

"As much as it's appreciated that you finally gave us a cement causeway, you forgot one thing.

"You can't make water flow uphill.

"So now, after your dodgy fix, instead of the old 10 meter wide dirt causeway washing out when it floods, the creek decided it will take a different path from that which you gave it and washes out 100 meters of the road.

"Look at the video, the water doesn't go over the causeway, it flows up the road because your incompetent engineers don't understand the basic laws of gravity.

"As a resident of over 15 years I can say that you've actually made the problem much worse and much more dangerous.

"Besides the water vs gravity issue that you stupidly thought you'd win, the drainage you supplied is totally inadequate!

"What should be an easy 10 meters of 2cm high water to drive through is now a risky, rutted, debris filled gauntlet to run.

"You created this! I'm not stupid and won't attempt this but I've seen others who have as they needed to get home and luckily they made it.

"You need to fix this issue that you created before someone gets hurt or worse!"

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