
Motorbike rider crashes on Mt Lindesay Rd

NEW South Wales ambulance crews on their way to attend a motorbike crash.

MOTORBIKE CRASH: NSW and Queensland ambulance crews are on their way to attend a motorcycle crash on Summerland Way. Picture: Trevor Veale
MOTORBIKE CRASH: NSW and Queensland ambulance crews are on their way to attend a motorcycle crash on Summerland Way. Picture: Trevor Veale

UPDATE 1.55pm: NSW Ambulance said the driver of a motorbike is conscious and on his feet.

A  spokesman said the man is being assessed.

"He has no obvious injuries and is walking," he said.

"But he is complaining of hip pain and is in a stable condition.".

UPDATE 1:48PM Police are now on scene at the motorcycle crash on Mt Lindesay Rd near Dairy Flat in the region's north.

It is understood the crash was initially thought to have happened on Summerland Way.

Other emergency services are also on route.

UPDATE 1:32pm: NSW Ambulance said the motorcyclist involved in a crash on Summerland Way is a 33-year-old man who is conscious and breathing.

It is understood other emergency services are still en route.

Original story: EMERGENCY services have been called to a single motorbike crash in the Northern Rivers at 1:10pm on Monday.

According to a NSW Ambulance spokesman paramedics were alerted to the incident on Summerland Way around 1km south of Dairy Flat.

"We understand the single motorbike crash involves a man in his 30s," the spokesman said.

"We have also been alerted by Queensland Ambulance of the incident."

More to come.

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