Lismore: Best and brightest students 2021
The best and brightest young minds from across the Northern Rivers.
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The region’s best and brightest students have been revealed.
The Northern Star invited high schools to share the stories of their top students and school leaders of 2021.
Join us in celebrating their success as they triumphed in a year like no other.
The schools that contributed are listed in alphabetical order. Scroll down to find yours.
*Some schools invited to participate declined.
Alstonville High School
“Experiencing Year 12 amid a global pandemic was certainly chaotic and difficult, however I am hugely proud of myself and my peers, and despite the difficult circumstances.”
Ms Jones was awarded Dux of her school.
“The challenges this year brought pushed me to mature and become a more well-rounded person, finally finding a career path that I am passionate and sure about.
“In 2022 I hope to be moving to either Sydney or Newcastle to study Medicine at university.”
“Finishing high school is an odd feeling, mostly because that is the environment I have been comfortable with for so many years; I can’t say it was easy, but I am really proud of the effort that I put in.”
Ms Jones was able to finish two HSC courses early, participate in three rounds of work experience in the legal field, and developed two major projects.
“Going forward, I have been lucky enough to start work in a local law firm during my gap year before I go on to study law at university.”
“I remember when I first started school my mum gave me one piece of advice: ‘just do your best’.
“I learnt that doing my best meant that sometimes I may struggle, even fail, but I also learnt that giving my all meant that I could achieve and thrive.”
Doing her best has allowed Ms Neal to be accepted into her dream university course studying Special and Inclusive Primary education.
“Doing my best also saw my efforts recognised by my school being given the Karla Sawtell award for my positive contributions to my school and fellow peers.”
Everyone told her that ‘high school goes so quick’ but she didn’t believe it until now.
“I feel like I am suddenly at the finish line, but I also feel all of the lessons learnt through my schooling have prepared me to look forward towards my next marathon.
“I am so excited to see what my future holds and I know that – even when faced with hardships and obstacles – that always giving my best and doing my best will never see me fail in life.”
Blue Hills College
Secondary Administrative Co-ordinator, Lyndon Darko said the pair showed great determination to complete their HSC despite their personal circumstances.
Casino Christian School
Casino Christian School Year 12 Adviser David McPherson said Ms Gaut served as the school captain and is the winner of the Long Tan Future Innovators award for 2021.
She achieved a solid first in maths extension I and II, first in advanced English, first in chemistry, and first in visual arts.
Kyogle High School
Kyogle High School Principal Gae Masters said school captains Faryn Johnston and Hayley Butler have been outstanding role models for the school through a difficult 2021.
“Their resilience, application to studies and positivity is to be congratulated,” Ms Masters said.
Ms Butler said the opportunities and support from the school has given him the confidence to follow his dreams.
“I am grateful for the opportunity to be the 2021 School Captain and the experiences such as representing the school at Parliament House in Sydney earlier this year.”
Mr Johnston said it was a great honour to be elected as School Captain for Kyogle High School in 2021. “Although I was unable to fulfil the role in a way I originally thought I would, due to circumstances out of everyone‘s control, I enjoyed being a school leader and was lucky enough to represent our school for Australia Day and Anzac Day,” he said.
“Thank you to the teachers, staff and students of Kyogle High School for encouraging me in this role which will hold me in good stead for my future.”
Nimbin Central School
Nimbin Central Year 12 Adviser Tiffany Wiblen said Ms Demkin-French is one of their exceptional students with her most noteworthy achievement this year being her outstanding results in extension English.
“Izabella was awarded the Nimbin Good Times ‘Write On’ award for her talents in creative writing and we expect her to perform well in her HSC this year,” Ms Wiblen said.
Kiani Tribolet was a wonderful ambassador in her role as School Captain and has excelled academically in all of her subjects.
St John’s College Woodlawn
Ms Wilson ranked first in modern history, and English extension 1 and 2.
She said although consistent study played a part she genuinely enjoyed her courses.
“I actually wanted to put time into them, not so much for the results themselves, but also because I was engaged and interested in the content,” she said.
Ms Wilson is taking some time off to earn enough to travel a little before starting University in Canberra.
Ms O’Toole ranked first in studies of religion II, maths extension I and maths extension II. She also ranked third in both English advanced and biology.
“I’ve attempted to maintain a consistent study routine since the beginning of the year, keeping notes up to date and completing as many practice questions as possible so that I’m familiar with different types of questions,” Ms O’Toole said.
“Seeking feedback from teachers has also been one of the most useful tools for me.”
Ms O’Toole plans to attend a Brisbane University to pursue a Bachelor in maths and science.
Mr Quinn-Jarvis ranked first overall in English advanced, music, drama and ancient history.
He said choosing subjects that he enjoyed meant he was much more motivated to put the work into his subjects and engage with the content.
“I tried to make sure I got some study done each night which helped a lot with feeling less stressed through the year.
He has applied for courses in International Studies and Media through UAC, VTAC and QTAC, and been accepted to a contemporary music course at AIM in Sydney.
“I’ll wait for offers and ATAR results before I decide what to do or if I defer.”
St Mary’s Catholic College Casino
Year 12 co-ordinator Kerry McKey said Mr Simpkins has demonstrated exemplary commitment to his academic studies, ever since Year 7.
“A quiet achiever, his no-nonsense approach has been a model to the entire college community,” Ms McKey said.
“His diligence has seen him awarded with outstanding results in the study of three of his HSC subjects in 2020, achieving a band 6 in advanced mathematics, coming first in extension mathematics and excelling in studies of religion.”
Mr Simpkin has a passion for engineering, completing a course of study via distance education this year on top of his HSC commitments.
“His teachers have no doubt that he will achieve similar excellent results in his 2021 HSC exams – particularly for advanced English, agriculture and engineering,” Ms McKey said.
Ms Chard has been an inspiration since 2016 for St Mary’s Catholic College via her intelligence, enthusiasm and humility.
Her exemplary commitment across all endeavours has seen her start up an Environmental Justice team at the College in 2019, represent the region in ‘The Young Archibalds’, having her painting chosen and displayed at the Tweed Gallery and represent the College at Cross Country running at the Diocesan level.
In 2020 she completed three of her HSC subjects, achieving a band 6 in both investigating science and mathematics.
“We wish Harriet success in whatever she chooses to undertake in the future – she will change the world,” Ms McKey said.
Summerland Christian College
Best and brightest for academic excellence.
Best and brightest for excellence in music performance.
Tenterfield High School
Tenterfield high school community liaison officer Emma Gianoli said Ms Jenkins has been recognised for academic excellence in all her subjects in both her junior and senior years.
“This pursuit of academic achievement serves to highlight the high value Ms Jenkins has placed on her formal education.
“This year she has received first in mathematics and business at Tenterfield High School,” Ms Gianoli said.
Ms Jenkins has also completed a number of subjects through Aurora College where she has gained first in chemistry, economics, mathematics extension 1, and an academic achievement award in advanced English.
“Mr Aquilini has set himself high standards and through a combination of hard work and a positive attitude he has achieved first place in society and culture, and second in advanced English and advanced mathematics,” Ms Gianoli said.
Damien has also held the position of school leader during his final year.
Ms Butler was praised for her ‘exceptionally diligent and dedicated’ attributes as a school leader and young woman graduating high school.
“Her work ethic and sense of responsibility are exemplary,” Ms Gianoli said.
“This year Ms Butler has seen rewards for her hard work by receiving first in Standard English, and sport lifestyle and recreation.
“She achieved second in mathematics standard 2, visual arts, and society and culture.”
Tenterfield high school community liaison officer Emma Gianoli said Ms Jones had consistently been recognised for academic excellence across all her subjects in both her junior and senior years.
“This year she has received first place in agriculture, and second in biology.
“In her final year Ms Jones was elected as School Captain and carried out this honour with dignity and style, adding status and prestige to the position,” Ms Gianoli said.
Trinity Catholic College
“My year 12 journey as College Ministry Captain has allowed me to grow and flourish in my leadership capabilities,” Ms Yopp said.
She is pursuing further leadership as a Youth Ministry Officer in 2022.
“My final year at Trinity Catholic College Lismore resulted in five first place rankings in my HSC courses and a silver medallion placing with my team at the National Titration competition.”
Ms Yopp plans to continue her study at the University of QLD with a Bachelor of advanced science in 2023.
“Moving to a school with greater opportunities, amazing teachers/staff and subjects I wanted to study has enabled me to achieve high results in my courses,” Mr Doolan said.
The fresh school leaver said he wanted to study the Bachelor of physiotherapy at Griffith University Gold Coast campus before returning to the area.
“I want to try and improve the health and wellbeing of local residents, in an effort to give back to the community that has done so much for me,” Mr Doolan said.