
In the end, all we have are our dreams

YOU have to be in it to win it they say, and the estimated 10 million Aussies who invested in the record $90 million Oz Lotto draw last night must believe this.

YOU have to be in it to win it they say, and the estimated 10 million Australians who invested in the record $90 million Oz Lotto draw last night clearly believe this.

The three most recession-proof activities are food, alcohol and gambling, and most of us have gambled this week to chase a dream.

Even though the experts say the chance of winning last night’s Oz Lotto is one-in-45 million, we still went out and bought tickets – hoping Lady Luck would shine down on us.

Some spent up big, with one workplace putting out $2500 in the hope of sharing in the spoils.

Families have fuelled the fantasy, with conversations running hot over dining room tables in millions of households across the country, planning how they would spend ‘their’ millions.

The biggest drawcard is getting off the treadmill and doing what we want with our lives, instead of having to work every day just to pay the bills.

Yet psychologists say money doesn’t buy us happiness, and this is easily proven by the numerous stories scattered across the internet of previous lottery winners who blew it all and are back on the treadmill.

I guess it takes a lot of effort to look after oodles of money.

You have to keep your eye on it all the time; no lounging around on hammocks in the Caribbean sipping cocktails if you want to see it work for you.

But in the dream, most of us would trade our humdrum lives for just a little of that stress.

Everyone needs to escape into a fantasy world from time to time.
We all have to dream.

Originally published as In the end, all we have are our dreams

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